Chapter 8

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The next day I try to focus on school but it proves to be quite difficult. I don't have any classes with Day today, which is probably for the best, but even so I find my mind continuously wandering to him. Mostly questions, though. 

Was it him that saw me crying last night? Why did he specifically ask me to tutor him when he's good friends with Hermione Granger? 

And, most importantly, why can't I stop thinking about him when there are so many other things I should be thinking about? 

"Cecily, you've hardly eaten anything. Are you all right?" I glance up from my empty plate to see that  Victoria is looking at me concernedly. 

"Fine- sorry. Just distracted." Victoria, with high success rate, is always there to keep everyone in good spirits. A lot say she should be in Hufflepuff since she's so caring, but she's definitely smarter than she looks. She gets along with everyone quite well, and I envy her for that. She's also quite good friends with the Weasley twins, and I can tell she's been involved in many of their pranks, though she hasn't mentioned it. 

"Why so distracted? You should be happy since the Yule Ball is coming up. We're going to have so much fun!" The happy blonde exclaims, shoving some food into her mouth soon after she's done talking. 

"My mom is sending me a few dress choices," Evelyn comments, "they should be here by tomorrow." 

"My mom too," Padma grins, though she still looks a little bit depressed. 

"No luck yet with Potter?" I ask. She shakes her head while Victoria pats her on the back. 

"He'll come around," Victoria assures her, "and if he doesn't he's not worth it." 

"Definitely true," I add, "if he can't see how great you are, Padma, then you shouldn't even give him the time of day." 

Before Padma can reply all the food on the table disappears. Victoria looks longingly at her plate, her giddy mood forgotten. 

"I wasn't done my sandwich..." Feeling hungry all of a sudden, considering I didn't get around to eating lunch, I stand up grumpily. 

"Time to get to class," I declare, gathering up my school bag on my right arm. "I have Defense, but I'll meet you all in the common room later before dinner." 

And so I wave to my three best friends before exiting the great hall within the swarm of other students. I pat down my brown locks slightly, feeling nervous for Defense Against the Dark Arts. 

Is it because Day is there? Is that why I'm nervous? 

"Get a hold of yourself, Cecily," I mutter to myself, causing a few Hufflepuff boys next to me to look at me strangely. I brush it off, walking faster so I'm ahead of them. 

By the time I reach Defense Against the Dark Arts Day is already seated, though his head is down on the desk. 

"Hello," I greet casually when I sit down. Day's head snaps up immediately and he smiles in my direction. 

"Hey, Winslow." Though his tone is happy, his face is a few shades paler than usual and I can see that his forehead is coated in sweat. 

"Are you all right?" I question, peering at his face closely. "Now your face is flushed too- are you sick?" The blonde boy shakes his head vigorously, managing a small smile. 

"I feel fine. Great, actually." The look I give him tells him that I don't believe him. And as Granger and Longbottom sit behind us and Potter and Weasley sit in front, they give him pitying looks. 

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