Chapter 3

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"He's so cute! You should totally go for him!"

"Wha- no! I fancied him first, Victoria!"

"Cecily needs this kind of man in her life!"

"Yeah, Eve, let her have just this one- didn't you say you liked Potter anyways?"

"Everyone likes Potter, but Day is-"

"I'm not interested in Day so whoever wants him can take him," I interject, finally voicing my annoyance towards the conversation at hand . I don't know why my friends still try to set me up with someone- they know how my parents are! The only person I'm allowed to date would be Draco, and I don't think I could ever feel that way about him.

"Aw, you're no fun," Evelyn pouts, dodging a couple of snarky-looking Slytherin girls in the hallway. "I wanted to fight over him. Some drama in this group would be refreshing, we never have anything interesting going on."

"If you want to fight Cecily you know it won't be over boys," Padma argues. "You just have to insult one of her favorite book characters, or find her chocolate stash." I shoot Padma a deadly look.

"How do you know about my chocolate stash?" She doesn't have time to answer before we reach the potions classroom. I decide to let her off the hook for the time being as she goes to sit on the other side of the classroom. As I take my seat, Day turns around and smiles brightly at me.

"Hey, Winslow," he greets, then turns to Evelyn. "Hey, Fitzpatrick." She smiles back at him and giggles flirtatiously.

"Hello, Day," I reply back, ignoring Evelyn's obvious showcase of her cleavage and offer him a shadow of a smile.

"Your arm okay?" He asks, conveniently not looking in Evelyn's direction. I nod in reply, watching as Potter and Weasley glance from me to Day. I offer them a quick wave, but they just turn back around. Evelyn sighs from beside me, clearly perturbed by the fact that her cleavage wasn't acknowledged.

"Cecily, has Draco come crawling back to you yet?" She questions, leaning her chin on her palms. Day doesn't turn around, but continues listening in to our conversation. I suddenly feel a little bit uncomfortable on the topic, knowing how much the two irk each other .

"No...but I'm not apologizing this time. Not going to happen." Evelyn pats me on the back enthusiastically.

"That's my girl! Don't give in!" Day snorts.

"What have you got to apologize for anyways?" He swivels around in his chair. "You were just trying to save the bloke from getting his arse kicked." He and Weasley exchange a high-five as Evelyn laughs uneasily. She gives me a sideways glance, as if unsure whether to laugh at the comment or be upset on my behalf.

"What's with that look?" I ask her, remembering the incident from yesterday and fueling my anger towards Draco. "He's right, Draco wouldn't stand a chance against them." Some people laugh around the room and I silently scold myself, knowing that what I just said will get back to the blonde boy with the bad temper.

Day and Weasley are laughing, which somehow makes me feel better about my out-of-character remark. Potter, however, remains neutral, still not sure of me. I can't blame him.

Before anything else can be said, Snape stomps his way in the class, hooked nose pointed upwards in an unfaltering look of distaste.

"Turn to page 56 and brew the potion listed. You have an hour."

"His grumpiness never ceases to amaze me," Evelyn whispers.

"Fitzpatrick! Five points from Ravenclaw!"

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