Chapter 11

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"Day told me that we're friends," I randomly blurt to Evelyn as we're sitting by the fire in the common room. The whole week after Day had said we were friends, I couldn't stop thinking about it. It was childish, really, but quite honestly something I hadn't expected to hear out of this mouth. From the mouth of a kind Gryffindor boy who should have nothing to do with the likes of me, who comes from a side so unlike the ones he was raised in. Not to mention Hermione and I have made some kind of bond over books lately, and we discussed different topics and genres every chance we got. She is surprisingly fun to be around, and the two of us have great conversation.

"Well, that's certainly a step in the right direction," she replies nonchalantly, "good for him. Baby steps." Tying my brown curls up into a bun, I look at her questioningly.

"What do you mean by that?"

Giving me the driest of looks, she replies, "You're not serious?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" Before she can get another word in, Padma and Victoria appear, taking a seat on either side of me.

"What are you two talking about?" Victoria questions, tucking her arms around herself and leaning towards the fire. The look of absolute disappointment on Evelyn's face leaves me nothing but confused.

"Cecily," she starts, speaking softly, "for someone so smart, you can be really daft sometimes."

"Oh," Padma chimes in, "are we talking about Dalton Day?"

Still confused, I ask, "How did you even know?" Then I turn to Evelyn, feeling very lost, "And why am I daft?"

"I don't think we should tell her," Victoria whispers across to Evelyn, whose seated in the loveseat, as if I can't hear her.

"I agree," Evelyn whispers back.

"Stop poking fun at me and tell me," I hiss, feeling a hint of irritation.

"I would, sweetheart, but I don't think you're old enough just yet." As Evelyn stands up and stretches I stand up as well. What exactly is she not telling me about Day? And how am I not old enough? I'm a few months older than she is!

"Tell me," I demand. She just stares at me for a moment before tearing across the common room and out of the portrait hole, brown hair streaming behind her. My mouth hangs open at her actions, and I look at Victoria and Padma in shock. The two of them shrug their shoulders.

"I might go after her if I were you," Victoria sighs, grabbing a book from the coffee table and inspecting it. "Padma and I will be here if you decide to give up the search."

"Right," is all I can say, still in utter shock at how strange my friends are as I hurry my way out of the portrait hole and after my best friend.

As I roam through the halls, wondering where in the world she could've gone, I hear much talk about the second task. It's only in a few days, and I had almost forgotten. Potter is probably stressed out of his mind right about now, the poor boy. With everything he's had to go through, I wonder how he stays so strong.

But then again, I guess we're alike in that sense. Just not the part where I need to compete in a tournament where I may very well die.

In no time I've made it out to the courtyard in front of the Blake Lake. Winter is starting to fade from Hogwarts, and the snow is just about gone now. The cold remains, and nips at my exposed neck and hands as I walk further down towards the water.

It feels strange being on my own, lately I haven't had much time like that to myself at all. Lately I've felt like things are changing, but I know that it will only take a single letter from my parents to ruin everything. This little world that I've crafted is so fragile, without a way to defend itself, only safe when the other side chooses not to attack.

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