Chapter 17

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August seems to end so soon and ushers in a chilly September with its passing, and before I know it I'm standing with the others at the doorway of the house I hadn't left for nearly two months. My anxiety skyrockets as I think of all the things that could possibly go wrong upon arriving at Kings Cross- they could be waiting for me. They would most likely catch me there, they'd find some way, even amongst the crowds of muggles. 

Day seems to notice my nervous fidgeting from next to him, and puts a comforting hand on my shoulder. 

"It'll be fine," he tells me, "we're all here." At this I relax my shoulders a bit, realizing he's right. I won't be alone, I've got many people with me. 

"Cecily," Potter calls from my right side. He holds out some type of thin fabric in his hands- a cloak, maybe?- and smiles at me. "Use this, just in case." 

"What is it? A cloak?" I question, wrapping the fabric over my body. All of them look at me, as if waiting for me to realize something. Upon seeing their curious stares, I look down to find the lower half of my gone. "Merlin's beard!" I exclaim, twirling around to discover the cloak has rendered the bottom half of my body invisible. "An invisibility cloak! Where did you get one?" 

Potter laughs at my expression along with the others, "My father passed it on to me. You'll be completely invisible as long as you wear it, so no one will see you." He pauses and frowns. 

"Fantastic idea, Harry," Mr. Weasley praises, then turns to me. "Cecily, why don't you hold onto Dalton on the way there, he can carry your luggage." 

"Sounds all right to me," Dalton grins. I nod at him, forcing a tiny smile despite my anxiety. 

After that it's time for the goodbyes. I give Professor Lupin, Tonks and Mr. Weasley big hugs and thank them for all that they've done for me. The people that I'm most sad to leave, however, are Mrs. Weasley and Sirius. 

"Oh, dearie," Mrs. Weasley cries, enveloping me in the biggest of hugs. From the time that I've come here she's been nothing but kind to me, treated me as if I'm one of her own. I don't know what words I can say to repay all of her kindness. "Take care of yourself, dear. And you're welcome back here anytime." As I watch her slightly wipe her wet eyes, I try to hold back tears as well. 

"Thank you for all that you've done for me, Mrs. Weasley," I reply, "I'm not sure how I can ever thank you enough." 

"It's us that have to repay you," she tells me, "we'll never forget what you've done for Harry." I can only nod my head, giving her a big hug once more before moving onto Sirius. During my stay, Sirius had been such a kind man, telling me stories of his own family that were quite similar to mine, that made me feel much less alone in the world. Despite the way things ended up for him (being falsely accused and thrown into Azkaban and all), he turned out to be a simply amazing person, in all forms of the world. 

"I'll miss you," I tell him as the two of us embrace, "and thank you. For everything." I pull back and he gives my dark curls a ruffle. 

"Owl me whenever you feel like it. I'll be here." I nod at him, wiping the collecting tears out of my eyes and pushing the dark curls away from my face. 

"Time to go," Day calls out to me and I move closer to him, throwing the cloak over my head and concealing myself. 

"You really can't see me at all?" I question. 

"Not at all. I can hear where you voice is coming from, though." Satisfied with his answer, I move towards him, gripping the end of his t-shirt and putting a hand on his back. He jumps a little but then settles into my touch, leaning down and grabbing onto my trunk for me, and taking his own in the other hand. "Ready?" He asks me. 

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