Chapter 7

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"I saw you talking to Draco yesterday- did you two make up?" I glance up in Padma's direction to see that Evelyn and Victoria are listening in as well.

"Not exactly," I mutter, taking a bite of toast and hoping that they don't question me further.

" didn't make up or you somehow made it worse?" I blink in Victoria's direction. How does she know everything?

"...The second one."

Groaning, Evelyn adds, "You know that he's a direct link to your parents, right? If he gets mad and tattles, what do you think will happen?"

With an exasperated sigh I put the toast down and reply, "I thought about that. He knows what will happen if he tells. He doesn't hate me that much."

There's a silence in which Victoria finally breaks. "We have an assembly today instead of morning classes," she tells us happily, effectively changing the subject.

"What's the assembly about?" Padma questions.

"I heard some Hufflepuffs say that it's some kind of dance for the Triwizard tournament. Apparently we all have to learn how to waltz." Evelyn groans loudly, earning a few stares from our fellow Ravenclaws.

"I hate dancing," Evelyn grumbles, "my mom used to force me to go to cotillion with some boys who lived on my street."

"What's cotillion?" I ask her.

"Muggle thing," she replies.

Soon after that the food on the table disappears, and the four of us make our way towards the assembly hall as instructed. Many other students of all houses and ages are gathered in the room as well, and I just spot Day, Weasley, Potter and Granger sitting a ways to my left. I see Day scanning the perimeter of the room, so I quickly look away when his gaze shifts in my direction. 

"Attention, students, attention!" Professor McGonagall saunters in then, Filch in tow. Behind him McGonagall levitates a retro muggle music player of some kind, and while Filch tries to figure out the technology, McGonagall speaks. "The  Yule Ball has been a tradition ever since the founding of the Triwizard Tournament. On Christmas Eve we will all gather in the Great Hall with the other schools for a dance of...well-mannered frivolity." As she speaks those words in emphasis she glances towards the Weasley twins and Day, who all high-five each other. "As representatives of the host school," she continues, "I expect every single one of you to put your best foot forward- and I mean this literally because the Yule Ball is first and foremost a dance." 

There's a collective groan from the boys and some girls squeal. I just busy myself by tapping my foot on the concrete as McGonagall goes on about how girls are swans, or something of the like. 

"I'm hoping Seamus will ask me- he's so fit," Evelyn gushes from beside me. 

"I'm hoping Harry will ask me, but I don't think that's going to happen," Padma whines. 

By this point I glance up to see that Weasley has somehow ended up dancing with McGonagall, and his older twin brothers along with Day are laughing their arses off in the corner. I crack a smile and turn back to the front as McGonagall calls us to our feet. 

"Boys, grab a girl and let's dance!" Evelyn rushes away from us and into the crowd of boys, probably in search of Seamus, and as Padma and Victoria hover, I search the crowd. 

Suddenly, the Weasley twins appear in front of us. One of them grabs onto Victoria with a grin, and the other holds a hand out to me. I stare at it in surprise

"Me?" I manage to choke out, though I sound confident and sure. 

"Why not, love?" As he continues to stare at me expectantly, instead of listing all of the reasons as to why not, I hesitantly take his hand. He glances behind him for some reason, to where Day is cornered by about three girls, and leads me to the dance floor. 

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