Chapter 1: Stasis.

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A/N: Hey Everyone! This is my second story to Transformers: Prime's Daughter. It really doesn't matter what you read first. This story, goes with Optimus and Shadow Blazes story of how they meet and what actually happened when she left. Hope you like it, please no hate! Sorry for the spelling and grammar errors:) On with the story!

Transformers: The New Beginning

"Sir, we found it." Someone said as I laid unconscious.

"Gather the team, we're heading out."  I hear footsteps coming closer as I'm unable to shift back into my human like form.

"We got the hanger cleared. CIA will be notified after E-vac. Tell commander we're going code red." I heard a soldier say.

Feeling the effects from losing energon, I remain still. Helicopters and military men are all gathered around me for transport. "We're sending it to the Hoover Dam."

"Sir everything is prepared and ready to go."A soldier said.

Soon I felt them spraying me down with something cold. "Make sure this thing is frozen."

"Right away sir."

I felt trapped in my own body. Nothing worked, I couldn't transform into my human form.  Landing on this planet was probably the first mistake I made.

"Prepared for transport." I hear someone yell out.

Feeling my optics close, my systems were shutting down. Stasis was setting in.

Months and years passed as I was trapped in stasis. The workers would examine me, seeing that I was from a different planet.  My planet, my home.

Before I crashed, I was searching the Galaxy for the leader. Not just any leader, but one that made peace among the Galaxy. He was strong and brave, nothing could break him. The name he was given was Orion, Orion Pax.

While I was searching, my planet was in a battle against my sister, Phenix. She was older than me, but I was the next in line for the crown as she was banished by my father. Her behavior grew worst after that as she tried to make her own army. Jealousy was her best friend.

But nothing prepared me for this. Crashing on an unknown planet after hitting a meteor was hard enough. Remaining absolutely alert, I finally hear what I wanted to hear.

"Transport incoming! NBE1 arriving." They said over the intercoms.

Doors opened to reveal a very evil looking cybertronian. He didn't look like he was from my planet or any other planet I have searched.  I noticed he had red eyes, with sharp servos.

"They found him in the Arctic, by some guy named Witwiki." One soldier said.

"They look the same but different." Another said.

"The symbols on him don't match her."

"How do you know it a "she"." He asked, gesturing towards me.

"See the chest plates? They stick out more." The other one replied, looking up in my direction

"Both alien that's for sure."

"Got that right."

Watching as they froze down NBE1, they moved him away into a different hanger. Nothing changed after he arrived.  Test were still being ran, questions were still being asked. Nothing, absolutely nothing happened.

50 years later.  Technology advanced and now it was more than just tests. I never knew what happened to NBE1, they never moved him after that. Waiting was all I did in my stasis like state.

"We got a call from the administrator they got another one." I over heard someone say. Looking at the door more people entered.

"You mean they got another transformer."

"Yeah, apparently he's something different." He replied, shutting the door as they all cleared out to deal with the new comer. *So it's a "He", wonder who?.*

"Attention all personal! Please report to hanger C for immediate assistance." The intercom said. After a while it was silent, only the sound of the monitor was to be heard. Hours rolled by till the personnel entered once again.

"Shut down if something goes wrong." Someone informed them. Watching them go I waited once again. I hoped something would happen. Within a few hours my thoughts we correct.

"Now if you head over to this hanger. . . " Some guy said, looking like he was a tour guide of this place or should I say prison.

"Hey, it's Megatron. . . "The boy said looking up at the other hanger next to mine. *So he is still here. Go figure.*

"NBE1, as we like to call it." An older man who worked in Sector 7 said.  "They found him in the Arctic after Mr. Witwiki found him. . . "

"My great grandfather." The boy murmured looking up at Megatron, who I can't see.

"He was sent here and is now being froze as we can gather more data on the species. But why is he here, on Earth that is?" The tour guide man said.

"Megatron as I call him, was sent to Earth looking for the All Spark, which he intends to use to create his own army." Sam said looking over at the tour guide person who was looking down at his hand.

"You know where it is, don't you?" Sam questioned, looking over towards my hanger.

"I believe we have what your looking for. . . "He answered, as Sam walked over toward my direction.

"Follow me, please."  He gestured walking into my hanger. Simmons was the first one to stop. I watched him as he pointed up at me. Finally, someone noticed!

"Who's that?" Simmons asked making them all stop and look at me. 

"That is SETA45, we believe it's a female due to its features and facial appearance. She was here before NBE1 or Megatron as you call him. She is also appears to be a different species of Cybertronian than Megatron."

"Has Optimus ever mentioned this Sam?" The girl asked, watching as the workers were spraying down my form.

"No Optimus never said anything like this." He said, staring up at my figure. Optimus? Could he be. . . No.

"Extraordinary. . . " Simmons said.

"Does the government even know you have this one down here as well?" The girl asked the tour guide personnel.

"They know of her but not fully, no" He answered, walking out of the hanger.

"Where's Bee?" Sam said, as the man nodded and walked them to where he was.  Seeing the walk out gave me hope a little. Now they know I'm here so they can come get me!  I could feel myself regeneration. Stasis was becoming no more. The alarms rang out as a could move my arms. Taking a step down I broke off of the freezing lines.

"Attention code Blue, repeat code Blue." The intercom sang. Please don't come after me. Standing as I heard them coming to get me I lost balance trying to move. Falling I quickly turned my self into Halo.

This is my story. . .

A/N: So. . . Is it good, bad, what do you think? Please tell me! Like, Comment, Share.

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