Chapter 5: New Planet and Many Questions.

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(A/N): Hey! Here's a new update for all of you! Sorry for all the spelling and grammar errors! Aright where did we leave off, oh yeah!

Chapter 5
Transformers: The New Beginning.

Halo's POV:

"What did you say Halo?" Ratchet asked me as I stared at him with a blank expression. He was looking at some type of sample till I caught myself staring.

"I. . . umm. . . Nothing." I told him, seeing him turn to look at a chart that was behind him. *Maybe he didn't notice?*

"If it's anything Halo, we Autobots can help each other out." Ratchet told me placing something on his lab space. I looked to see samples of energon and another sample that read H. *Ratchet is on to me! H as in H, for Halo?*

"Oh, yeah." I sighed, trying to process what was actually going on here.

"Halo are you alright?" He questioned just as I felt my eyes acting funny. Seeing Ratchet turn to me with a concern face he placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, just a little dizzy that's all." I told him, placing my hand in my head. Ratchet lowered me on the table, trying to diagnose what was wrong. "I bet it's nothing."

"This is not nothing. Now, be honest with me Halo. When's the last time you transformed." He said sternly to me. I looked at him confused then realized that he knew.

"Umm. . . It's maybe been a week or two." I confessed, watching Ratchet immediately wheel me out of the Medical bay, into his vehicle mode.

"What are you doing!"

"Me! I'm making sure you keep your anatomy in line. Who know what could happen if you stay in your artificial form any longer!" Ratchet told me, till we got far enough away from the base.

I could feel him transform, before setting me down on the hot, sandy area. "You didn't have to do this you know?" I told him.

"What! Where is your vehicle mode. You can't transform with out your body." Ratchet scolded, turning around and pinching his brow.

Once he turned around I transformed. "Feels good to be back in this mode." I laughed, seeing Ratchet turn around and look at me puzzled.

"By the All Spark!" Ratchet exclaimed, taking in my true form.
"Hal. . . "

"Shadow Balze." I smiled, stretching out my arms.

"Your physical appearance, and structural mobility. It's not how our physiological main frame works." He stutter in awe. "Cybertronians never looked this advanced. You are Autobot right?"

"Ratchet please. . ." I said, turning away from him.

"Sorry it's just. . . You are." He tried to say before I cut him off.

"Ratchet, I am not of your genetic origin. I'm from another distant plant much like yours but there is no fighting for energon. But only fighting for the thrown." I started, tracing symbols on the ground.

"Another planet? The same yet different from Cybertron."' He stuttered, looking down at the symbols.

"Yes. Only Realm is not like your planet where you all go to the Well. . . "

"Well of Allsparks." Ratchet whispered, as I nodded.

"We are not created from or deceased too. Simply we are born, or our spark get taken to the place of unknown when we die." I explained.

"This world, can we all exist in peace?" He questioned as I turned around to face him.

"Yes but only if I can find who I'm looking for." I told him, just as his com-link went off.

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