Chapter 7: Our Secret

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(A/N): Please no hate. Still need to fix some grammar and spelling, but enjoy!

Chapter 7

Staying in stasis for more than a few days I was locked in this never ending silence. Feeling left out of this secret that is not mine to keep, I waited.

"Wake her up." Lennox voice said to Ratchet, who powered me up. Opening my eyes, I was greeted by Optimus. He was watching my every move closely just in case I'd do something. Staying down I waited for him to speak as he rubbed his chin.

"Motor functions look normal. Levels? Good." Ratchet said, quietly checking the results. Lennox peered over at Optimus before his phone went off.

"Keep her in here."  Lennox insisted, leaving the medical bay.  Optimus placed his hands on the guard rails of the bed peering down at me with a stern look.

"Don't do anything you might regret." Optimus said softly, as I sat up smiling at him.

"Only wise decisions." I whispered, getting accommodated by Ratchet off the bed. Optimus walked out, leaving me with Ratchet till he cleared me. Walking around  the base I kept over hearing news of the fallen. Who was this? What did they want?

Going up to the analysis station in my human form, Ironhide was talking to Lennox in his haloform. "Bee's with Sam at college. Optimus left a few minutes ago to go check on some reports."

"Lennox sir, you might wanna take a look at this." A fellow soldier said, seeing Lennox excuse himself from Ironhide. Watching him go, I looked at the computers in front of me. The autobots had signal trackers on them, including me.

"Prime will be back in 30 mins." I overheard one of the triplets say. Just as a soldier directed me towards the training station.

"First lesson of business today is never take your eyes off your enemy." Lennox informed us, as Epps demonstrated the exact moves. "Knowing how to predict your opponents next move will be effective in combat." Getting in position with a random partner I took him down in one swift move.

"Very good." He told me, as he got up. "Let's go again." Quickly getting back into our positions I moved to quick and he got me from behind. "Remember patience. Your feet were to planted that time." Slumping off the mat, I rolled my eyes at him. Who was this guy anyways?

"Is that so?" I commented, quickly starting the match, flipping him over onto his back.

"You got me." He laughed, as I helped him up or so I thought before he yanked me down with him. "Gotcha." He smiled, revealing his true haloform as I laid besides him.

"Optimus!" I gasped, quickly getting to my feet. He stood up slowly making his tall frame tower over mine. Grinning widely at me I could see Ironhide laughing out in the distance.

"Lesson complete." He said before grabbing my hand. Walking me out to the back of the building, he gestured me over to a bench. 

"Why are we out here?" I asked, seeing Optimus pacing in front of me. His jet black hair glistened in the sunlight, as his eyes squinted down at me.

"I needed to get you away from everyone. The symbols on your back are Cybertronian. Now tell me, why would the language of the Primes be inscribed on your back?"

"I have no idea! All I know is that when I was announced to be the new queen, I was put in stasis for a few days." I confessed, as Optimus looked at me.

"You must have been sent to Cybertron." He mutter under his breath. "But why did the leaders choose. . .?"

"Choose you?" I questioned.

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