Chapter 9: Don't Tell

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Chapter 9



"You're the one who will be dying." I yelled, feeling myself low on energy.

"You're a fool to think you could defeat me." He smirked.

"Master, with Prime out of the picture. She no longer has a sparkmate." Starscream said as I tried to change forms.

"Shadow Blaze you could be the Queen of the Decepticons." Megatron insisted as my form finally changed.

"I will never rule with you!" I yelled as my optics enraged in purple. I changed my hand into a cannon as I shot Starscrean coming towards me. "You killed him!"

Charging towards Megatron he drew his sword as I hit him in the shoulder. He backed up into a sparkling sack as energon dripped onto him. Taking all the energy I had I transformed my hand into an axe just as Megatron threw his sword cutting my side. "Pitiful you chose Prime over me." I watched as Megatron walked over to me as Starscream grabbed my arm.

"It's pitiful you will always follow someone else's lead." I snickered, jumping behind Starscream ripping his arm in the process. Megatron servo then scrapped my arm making energon drain from it.

"Get back here! I will rip that spark of your out just how I did to Optimus." Megatron yelled as I ran away from him jumping back to base. Landing hard on the concrete floor my human form took over.

"Oh my gosh! Halo?!" Lennox said as military personal came over to me. I was crying without realizing it as my optics remain with my human form.

"He will die." I kept saying just as a crate of energon cubes passed by. I quickly stood up walking over to the crate as Ratchet's holoform stopped me.

"Halo you're injured."

"I'm dying." I said moving passed Ratchet and throwing the person moving the crate.

"Halo! What are you doing?" Lennox said as I didn't answer I just had one thing on my mind. Energon. Taking it for my self I drained energon cube one by one.

"Ratchet, what is going on with her?" Epps asked just as the Lennox walked outside after getting informed about a call from Sam.

"Halo!" Ratchet yelled as I finally snapped out of my phase.

"Sorry. I just. . . I." I stuttered, trying to transform into my vehicle to run away. "What can't I transform?!" I yelled, just as Epps was gathering up a team. I took a seat on the bench just in front of the med bay as Ironhide was fixing up weapons. Ratchet followed me just as Lennox walked over.

"Halo, if your feeling up for it. Apparently Sam has a way to bring Optimus back." Lennox told me. "So gear up we're flying out soon."

"I . . . "

"30 minutes till take off." Lennox explained as Ratchet walked into the med bay.

"Halo come here." Ratchets voice said as I walked inside laying down on the gurney. "It's rare, but it's possible."

"What's possible?" I asked as my uniform was pushed up and gel was applied to my stomach.

Ratchet focused on the screen as a little spark was shown. "By the AllSpark?! Halo, you're with sparkling."

"I'm pregnant?" I questioned just as Ratchet looks up my condition in the data base.

"Apparently your kind is able to conceive the way humans do and since you and Optimus. Well what I'm trying to say is. . ."

"Say it Ratchet?!" I said.

"Since you got pregnant in your human form, you are unable to transform. The pressure of the sparkling is causing you to reject your true form. This is straining your spark. That's why your dying." Ratchet explained as I sat up.

"Ratchet, we need you to load up your equipment. Optimus will need repairs if this works." Ironhide yelled, as I sat up.

"It will live right?" I asked, wiping the jelly off.

"Halo you. . . " Ratchet stuttered.

Leaving Ratchet there I quickly grabbed my military bag and walked towards Lennox. "We need to leave now." I told him as Lennox put down his clipboard. "Get your men on the walkie!"

"Halo, we heading out in 10." He explained.

"We have to go now!" I stressed, pleading to Lennox as my moods were acting crazy.

"Okay, alright." Lennox said, calling all his men to load up. Nodding to Lennox I ran inside the plane Optimus is loaded into.

Walking over to him I notice Epps was watching as he placed all the parachutes inside. Tracing the symbols on Prime's arm they all turned blue. *I won't give up.*

Once everyone is was inside we loaded out to Egypt. I was still standing next to Optimus when Ratchet came up besides me.

"Don't tell him. Don't tell Optimus." I whispered.

"Halo, I won't need to tell him." Ratchet simply said, as his scanners where going off. "You'll tell him once he's up."

"That's if it will work. Ratchet I can't. . . I have to go back to Realm." I pleaded, "She will be his daughter, but only in time."

"As you wish Halo." Ratchet told me as Lennox came over seeing we were only a few minutes out. That's when Galloway walked up complaining to Lennox.

"What do you mean we're evacuating this perfect sly good airplane." Galloway stressed as the team was loading up.

"You heard the captains orders. These guys don't mess around."Lennox said tightening his parachute before helping Galloway. I looked over at Ratchet before staring at Optimus. Soon the door of the plane opened as Galloway could be seen frightened by the sudden actions of Lennox.

"Not right now we're on the plane you dum ass." I over heard Lennox yell as Galloway left the plane swiftly with parachute intact. Epps laughed and patted Lennox on the back as we were getting ready for our real mission. Bring Optimus back. 

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