Chapter 11: Well meet again.

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Watching from a distance I saw Lennox run into the burning building as his team followed. "Do you hear a baby crying?" Epps asked, as they walked into the charred room Scarlet laid in.

"Oh my! Someone call medical team stat. It's a baby!" Lennox yelled, picking up my child as she whaled in his arms. Ratchet immediately changed into his holoform carefully looking at the infant.

"No sustainable injuries. Seems to be in perfect health." He said as Ironhide picked up on my signal.

"Prime we gotta hit." He said, as Optimus transformed looking over in my direction. My spark was hurting when I saw him due to the broken spark bond we share.

"The signal is just around this building." Prime said, as I walked around the building. "However, the decepticon signal that we might think it is, may be wrong Ironhide."

"You're right Prime. The signal looks more like Shadow Blaze." Ironhide informed him just as I bolted over to Lennox who was talking to Ratchet.

Keeping my distance  I noticed Scarlet wasn't crying. She was asleep in Lennox arms. "Lennox look there's a letter." Epps smiled seeing the little letter I stashed in Scarlet's blanket.

"A letter? For who?" Lennox asked.

"For Optimus. From Halo." Epps read. Ratchet stared over in my direction for a while till he shook his head.

"It says, "Dear Optimus, I'm sorry to leave so soon from this wonderful planet, but I must. We have been gifted the life of a sparking! She is more beautiful than you can imagine. Her name is Scarlet Sapphire Prime. I'm sorry again to leave you with this burden, but my planet is I get war from my sister and I need you to look after her,m. However, promise me that she will live in her human form until she discovers her true form. Love you with all my spark, Halo.""

"By the All Spark." Ratchet said, as Lennox starred down at the human baby. "This is Optimus daughter. That makes her the daughter of a Prime."

"Well have to keep this on the down low. She's not a normal human baby." Lennox stayed as the symbols on Scarlet glowed.

"With the Nest Military protocols we should be able to persuade the head of security." Lennox said, as the team was pack up to head back to base. Optimus hadn't gotten the news as I was watching him and Ironhide track down bogies.

I silently watched Scarlet disappear into the horizon as the team moved out along with Optimus and Ironhide tailing behind.

*Well meet again, Scarlet.*

Transforming from my human form I jumped back to Realm. I have a war to win here. I will win this so my daughter can come home!

(A/N): Sorry for the short chapter! I've been busy! Thanks for sticking with me on this! Maybe one more chapter after this!


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