Chapter 6: The Fallen?

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(A/N): Hey! I'm so sorry for those who have been waiting for the next chapter! I've been extremely busy and I'm sorry for that. Anyways, enough waiting.

Chapter 6

Throughout the night I kept thinking about the symbols. Why did they just show up? What did they mean?! Feeling slightly panicked I stayed awake for most of the night. By morning, I was out! And when I'm out, I'm out. "Halo? Are you up, it's time for your training!" Lennox's muffled voice yelled behind the door. I wasn't even powered up yet.

"Halo! Open up!" Epps yelled, making my eyes open up slightly. Taking a look at the time I groaned to myself; it was only 6:00am.

"I'm up. . ." I yawned, trudging over to open the door. When I did I met with the unhappy faces of my commanders. Great!? Fixing my hair in a bun, I brushed passed them.

"Halo! Did you hear what I said?" Epps questioned, making me stop. Turning to face the both of them, I quickly repeated what they said.

"Looks like she has it." Lennox commented, patting Epps on the shoulder. Walking away from them, I met with Bee in the training section.

"Your training today too?" I questioned, thinking I was going to be alone. Bee nodded before I heard someone walks up on my. Natural instincts kicked in and I automatically flipped them over. "Oh! My gosh! Optimus, I'm so sorry!"

Groaning, he stood up. "No worries Halo. You did quiet well on that test."

"A test?" I whispered to myself following him into the arena type area.

"Bee go easy on her, but let's see what she's got." Optimus told him, transforming into his true form. Doing the same, I waited for Bee to go first. Watching every move he made, I decided to intervene. After    pinning Bee to the ground multiple times, Optimus let Bee take break.

"Not that bad for a femme." Ironhide commented while he walked in. Optimus walked in the arena, giving me a nod.

"Let me show you a few technics." Optimus offered, showing me different skills I might need in the field. 

"Can you repeat the last one?" I yawned, making Optimus stop.

"Well, pick this up some other time." He told me, as I transformed into Halo. Optimus appeared next to me, just as I sat down on a bench in the break room. "You did good today."

"Thanks, I haven't trained like that in so long." I confessed, yawning once more. Feeling myself powering down, I fell on the ground.

"Halo?!" Optimus exclaimed, just as Ratchet ran over. Laying still I felt a hand brush my shirt up a little revealing my lower back. "Ratchet. . . "

"By the allspark?" Ratchet exclaimed, just as I was flipped over and picked up. "Language of the primes?"

"It's questionable, but I'm sure it has some sort of explanation." Optimus said, just as Lennox walked in to the clinic area.

"Is she okay?" He asked as Ratchet nodded, soon after I rebooted. Sitting up, I held my head.

"Halo, look at me?" Ratchet said running a scan. "It's all clear."

Soon the intercom went off making me tense up. "All Autobots report to the front. Prepare for E-vac." Ratchet looked at me with a stern look before disappearing.

"Stay here!" Lennox warned, knowing my intentions. Staying for a while I decided to tag along. Camouflaging myself into one of Lennox personnel, I road with them to the destination. Jumping out without getting catches I transformed myself. Optimus was running up along the bridge till he jumped onto the Decepticon. Shooting it down along side Ironhide, I watched the decepticon fall. Walking up to where they all were, I noticed Optimus speaking to it.

"The fallen shall rise again. . . " the decepticon spit out. Optimus loaded his cannon, before speaking.

"Not today." He said, just as he finished the decepticon off. Turning around he noticed me, before I jumped out of there. Returning to base, I scrambled up to my room. Leaning against the door I waited a few hours till I hear several knocks on my door.

"Halo?" It was Optimus.

Slowly I cracked the door open before noticing him standing outside. Not looking him in the eyes, I could feel him staring at me. "Halo?"


"Breaking the orders that were given to you is a direct violation." He started, making me nod in understanding. "You could of got seriously hurt out there."

"I just wanted to see what you all were going after." I said honestly, "This world is so different than the one in use too."

"Halo look at me." Optimus said sternly, "Please follow orders next time."

"I will sir," I said, as he started to walk away. "Wait, Optimus?"


"What did he mean? That decepticon?" I asked following Optimus. Looking down at me I saw him place his hands behinds his back.

"I will tell you sometime. Right now I have to get to something so if you will excuse me." He said, walking away. I watched as he walked away, seeing Ironhide watching me from a distance.

"Halo. . . " Lennox said, seeing him walking over to me. "For the next few day you will be put on probation. From now on you will strictly stay here."

"Lennox?! Why?! I promise. . . " I pleaded, seeing Ratchet walk over.

"The Director wants you to power down for a few days." Ratchet informed me, seeing how my actions on this planet were effecting everything.

"No! Please, no!" I yelled, trying to get away from them.

"Halo, don't do this."Lennox said to me as I was surrounded by his military men.

"Don't power me down." I said, right as I felt my hands electrified.

"Ratchet now!" Lennox yelled, just as I felt a sharp pain in my arm. Mellowing out, I fell to the floor.  "Halo, look at me. It's only for a few days."

Trying to speak, I spoke my own language. Slowly I passed out. "Ratchet, make sure she's locked down."

"Will do, Sir." Ratchet said, as I got carried away to the medical facility. Not knowing what was going on to the outside world, for those days, really would make an impact.

(A/N): I really hope you liked this chapter! I will update as soon as I can! Please hang in there. -BeMine_YoursTruly


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