Chapter 12: Days end.

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(A/N): Hey! This chapter is short but it's the end. Thanks for reading! If your have not, please read the continuation of this story Transformers: Primes Daughter.

Lonely. I felt lonely. Being taken away from my little girl I could only sense her through my spark. Hearing the blasts off in the distance I gather up a strike team. Phenix would be lurking towards the city as I tried to surround her. Meeting up with my crew we took the fight to her. Sneaking in I transformed into my human from. Phenix was sitting along the edge watching the turmoil she was creating.

"Halo doesn't stand a chance!" She laughed as I threw a grenade at her. Catching it she threw it over the edge of the tower. "Sister. Come to play?" 

"Give me back what is mine and leave this planet!" I yelled, following her shadow.

"This planet was never yours Shadow Blaze!" Phenix hissed.

"And you think destroying our home. Is giving you any right!" I yelled, transforming my hand. Firing at her feet she looked down as I fully transformed. Pinning her to the ground I noticed her troops coming to her aid.

"My armada! Destroy the prism!" She yelled as my heart sank. Taking the advantage she drew her sword into my side. "Stay put."

"No!" I screamed as I watched her army blasting at the prism. Taking out the sword I looked at Phenix commanding her troops. Freeing myself I sprinted over to Phenix. She shot me down just as she powered up her cannon. Blasting at the prisms power source it shattered. "What have you done!"

"The only thing I had too." She mocked. Sprinting to her I kicked her back towards the entrance.

"Realm has disowned you!" I yelled, "So as the new queen of Realm I here by banish you!"

"Silly sister. You can't banish blood." She informed me as I grabbed on to her arm. Jumping on to cybertron I pushed Phenix into the dirt.

"Take a good look Phenix." I started pacing around her as she looked on. "This cold planet was once a breath taking city. Home to beings like you and I."

"Is this suppose to scare me?" Phenix asked trying to get up.

"Fear will become of you." I told her, "if you keep up this act. Pain and anguish will be your burden if you destroy the life that lies on our planet." I informed her as she got up.

"Our planet will have the same fate." She informed me as I fired my gun at her. Wounding her I gripped her shoulder jumping back to Relam. Arriving back to a scene filled with spilt energon I handed Phenix to my guards. Once I did, a loud bomb went off. The wall had exploded.

"Lock her up." I told my guards, just as the fighting slowed down. Many people retreated while my army stayed to repair and rebuild. Jumping to the prism I looked at the chattered piece on the ground. "I can't go back. . ." I breathed, kneeling on the ground. Picking up the chattered pieces I let myself cry. Optimus, Scarlet.

Later that evening I banished Phenix to another planet where she would live out her imprisonment. Ruling the planet properly peace finally came. Hopefully for a while.

Trying to rebuild the prism I began to grow impatient. It would take many years to find replacements. I always thought about them though. What Scarlet was like and what Optimus was doing now. Was Earth still at war?

"My lady, Phenix has escaped the transport team." My guard informed me as I jumped to the palace. Opening the doors to the balcony I informed my people. " Realmians hold your ground and prepare for the fight. Reload your weapons and replenish your energon. Phenix is coming!"

(A/N): Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading! Like always stay safe and stay healthy!


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