Never Gone.

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Cassie's POV.

"Tell me I'm not on my own, tell me I won't be me what I'm feeling isn't some mistake..cause if anyone can make me fall in can." 

I sang along to music blasted in my's been this way every since I got home. 

And I mean home, London..they ended up transfering Niall so he was closer to his family..and to me. My mum decided to make the decision to have me come back home for a settle in..I remember a lot..more than I did a week ago. I didn't know anyone, and now, I know everyone around me..and I missed them.

I hated seeing their faces when they'd come to see me and I didn't recognize them..the boys especially. 

Niall is still in a coma..but he is doing much better..he isn't on the respirator anymore, which means he's breathing on his own.

Otherwise, he's not awake..I was hoping that he would soon..but he hasn't..I want him to come back..but the decision isn't up to me..although, I try not to think about him leaving..I don't want to worry myself into another coma..

I just made that up...I don't think it's possible..but I'm on edge a lot still..basically since they couldn't find the person who hit us..

It was a hit and run..hit us and ran..not on foot, but ran as in drove the car away..before the police or ambulance was there..the police say it must've been pretty big and going pretty fast to cause as much damage and injuries as it did.

The insurance companies are coming after the boys' management because the cost in damages and car insurance is going to go up tremendously..which I don't think is far..

There's a court date on Friday..which I have to give a statement about..I don't think that's fair mum says I'm "not in the right state of mind" to give a statement..but if it'll help the boys..I will.

This whole thing is a lot to handle for an 18 year old who just came out of a coma, trying to recollect her memory and waiting for her boyfriend to wake up from a near-death coma.....

And to add onto that, my heart now has a murmur..somehow it developed while I was in a now instead of a "lub-dub" sound of my heart..It now sounds like, "lub-dub, lub-lub-dub.." Like an extra's mild so I don't have to worry about it too much.

The boys come to see me a lot, since they don't have much to do, the tour was cancelled for now, until Niall wakes up, but anyone with tickets won't have to re-pay....that is if the tour will even start again..

We're all pretty positive Niall will wake up..well, I am..and everyone always acts that way around me..

Other than that, I don't do anything..Mum wants me to rest a bit..she was asking about me when I was little, and what far as I know I was with her..and I don't really know where my dad went..mum said he left us..

I had a dream about a clown....and I had a spaz attack, screaming and crying...when she asked me about it, I couldn't remember what it was for..I just freaked..and I still don't know why.

And so, that's what you've missed on "Life as Cassie..." 

Anyway, I haven't really done much..Isabelle has slept over some, and Rob still stays around...because of Hannah...I remember her...who would forget? 


But I looked at my stomach, and I remembered that..the cut, the blood..all the weird things I saw, where I went..I remember that..

But mostly, what was on my mind was nothing but matter how hard I try not to..he's all I think about. 

"Your always on my mind..I think about you all the time.." I sang and slumped onto my bed.

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