Hold On Until May.

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Niall's POV.

This is absolutely terrifying...what if she says no? 

I can't afford to think like that right now. I'm too excited and thinking like that will just make me a thousand times more nervous. Today's the day..I watched the sun shine through out window into the bedroom. I heard Cassie singing in the shower..as she's done since the day that I met her. 

I put on a nice button up shirt with dress pants and shoes. I fixed my hair and hid the tiffany ring box in my coat pocket. I don't want this to be like the usual "ask during dinner" because we're not actually going to dinner..but that's what she thinks.

Our four years is today..four years I've been with this girl..through thick and thin. And I wouldn't change it for the world.


Cassie's POV.

I finish my hair and make up having my long hair curled. I put on a long maxi dress with a cardigan and my silver sparkly Louies. Wearing all this expensive clothes and especially these shoes just makes me feel like a princess.

I can't wait for dinner! 1. because I'm starving and 2. because I know Niall and that it will be the best night ever. 

We've been together for four entire years now. It's so surreal that we've been together that long. And still I can barely comprehend what we've gone through, and the fact that he is still here..putting up with me after I've almost been killed more than once and almost getting him killed just as many times. The heartache..that just proves so much to me. All I've ever wanted is to be loved and for the past four years, that's exactly what I feel. 

We walk hand in hand to the car. I love the way his touch leaves burns on my skin. The feeling of the spark between us is evident. We can both feel it and it's written all over our faces. We have this light that shines around us, a beautiful illumination to the grestest love..it's just magical.


Niall's POV.

We start to drive..to where, she doesn't know..but I do. We head north. She looks out at the world like she always has. A longing for it's beauty. With all that has been harsh to her in this world, she still looks at it with beauty and fondness. I envy her for that.

She is going to ask eventually why we're driving to absolutely nowhere..but until that happens, we just drive.

One hour in..

"Niall...where are we going  that it takes an hour to get there?" she laughed.

"This place by where my cabin is..it's the best food I've ever eaten in my life..and I wanted this to be special. So I made reservations weeks ago." I smiled at her. She smiled back and turned toward the window again. That'll give me time.


We arrived. The waiter seats us and we order drinks. She looks stunning in this lighting. Her hair is pinned with her bangs back. Her hair, now dark red makes her tan skin glow. Her bright blue eyes shining through looking at me. I couldn't have asked for a better, no, more beautiful and intelligent and strong woman in my life. 

"Niall..are you okay?" she asks.

"yes my darling..why wouldn't I be?" I ask back.

She just nods and smiles at me.

Man Who Can't Be Moved..-Niall Horan Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now