I'll Miss You.

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Cassie's POV.

I couldn't believe the boys were leaving today...Its gonna be the first day i wasn't with them..I was so upset.

It was about 5 am since the plane was leaving around 8 we decided to go early so we could eat and paps wouldn't catch us to early in the morning.

I woke up and i tried waking Niall up..nothing.

"Five more minutes mum!!" he said sleepily.. his sleepy voice was oh so sexy.

I chuckled and i yelled "I HAVE PANCAKES!" and he shot right up...lad loves food.

"You lied.." he said and pouted..but he couldn't help but smile at me.

"I'm sorry love..but we can stop and get some on the way." i said chuckling slightly.

'Promise?" he asked.

"Pinky promise.." i held out my pinky and he grabbed it...don't hate, we're adorable.

I got up and i helped him pack a little bit and we brought down the bags and put them into his car..we were taking it since i was going to drive it back to the flat..the girls and i were going to stay there since my mom works all the time and i hate being alone.

We got all the boys ready and we all headed out. We stopped at got Niall his pancakes that he practically jumped around the car for.

We got to the aiport and it was about 6:30. We went through security and they let us all to the gate and out to the runway because they had a private plane. So cool!

But since it was only about 7 now Niall and i wandered around the airport..he got a few things for the plane..food of course and other little things..new headphones.

At about 7:45..we all went out and stood near the plane. we all stopped in our tracks and just looked up at it..I felt tears well up in my eyes..

I didn't want him to leave..not at all.


Niall's POV.

We all just stood there..speechless. I had Cassie's hand in mine..but i was still so upset i was leaving..I wish she could come with me right now..but she can't.

We all got into a big group hug. then we spread out and said out goodbyes to each other. Finally i got down to Cassie. and the others were all with their girlfriends.

"Cass.." i said. "Shhh." she said. she looked up at me..Tears streaming down her face.

and the tears stream down my face.. sounds like a good line.

I grabbed her and held her in my arms as she wrapped hers around my torso..

"I'm gonna miss you so much babe.." she whsipered into my shoulder..tears staining my shirt..i didn't care.

I had tears down my face.." Three weeks is too much time." i said. "I'll see you soon though..we'll talk all the time..don't worry love. I'll see you before you know it.." i said..it didn't sound believable because i didn't even believe myself. It was going to feel like an eternity away from her..its only three weeks.

We broke apart from the hug and i wiped her tears off her face..

"I'll see you soon love. don't cry please..when you're sad..i'm sad." i said. She smiled.

I kissed her forehead.

"I'll miss you." i said.

"I'll miss you too." she whispered..

I walked to the plane and just before i got on i turned and looked back. She lifted her hand up to wave. I did the same..then i got on and i looked out the window..I saw her back up and she just watched. I waved again and she blew a kiss.

We prepard for take off and i felt the plane move..my heart broke..i missed her already. I looked at her for as long as i could...soon she wasn't visible and i felt the tears well up in my eyes again.

I love her...so much.


Cassie's POV.

I watched the plane until all i could see was clouds..it seemed like the weather knew exactly how i felt..weary and down.

i blew a kiss even though he couldn't see me..i knew he got it.

I walked back to his car and i got in..i just sat there..i didn't want to leave. I put my face in my hands and cried a little..then i turned on the radio and i heard a song i was pretty familiar with.

Its just a drop in the ocean, a change in the weather. I was parying that you and me might end up together. It's like wishing for rain as i stand in the desert. but i'm holding you closer than most. cause you are my heaven.

I felt a few more tears escape my eyes. i wiped them away and i started to drive out onto the road..It was about a half hour drive back to the flat. I just had the radio on and let it take me away..

It was going to be about 9 hours till they landed and Niall said he was gonna take a quick nap and text me after. since he texted me the second he couldn't see me anymore.

I pulled up the driveway and i just looked at the house..i guess the girls decided to go out i wasn't up for it. I walked up to the house and put the key into the lock and opened the door.

I walked in..it felt so empty and quiet. I walked around just looking at everything. It was going to be different without the boys..definitley different. I went to the fridge and stuck my head in it..since we hadn't gotten groceries since the boys were leaving i decided to go and get some.

I grabbed my keys, i didn't wanna be home alone. I drove down to the store and i grabbed a cart and started to put things into it. I've done this many times before..Harry would go with me because if Niall did, we'd have six carts full of stuff.

I was alone now and i just got some cereal and yogurt and things. I checked out and put all the bags into the car and i was still driving Niall's BMW. I loved it.

As i was putting groceries into the car i heard someone come up behind me..I turned around and back handed them..

"Ow! What was that for!?" they scolded..

"Oh god, please. i'm soo sorry! I didn't mean to, people sneaking up on me like that just freaks me out." i said.

"It's okay love.." he said. He looked up at me..

"Oh, hey there...." i said...

"Hey Cass. what's up? I heard Niall went on tour!" he said.

"Yeah, he did...can i help you." i said.

"Oh no..." he said and he came at me...trying to kiss me..I pushed him on to the ground..since i picked up some skills  from the boys.

"Johnny stop! Don't you ever ever even consider doing that again...don't talk to me, don't text me, don't even think about me..you low life idiot..don't ever even do that again..ew" I got in the car and drove off.

I got home and brought in the groceries and i immidiently called Niall.

"Hi babe!" he said.

"Listen I went to the store to get some food, and i saw Johnny in the parking lot and he tried to kiss me...he didn't thank god, i just thought i'd tell you." i said quickly in one breath.

"It's okay love. i trust nothing happened." he said calmly..oh dear god thank you!

"Alright, well i don't want to be interuppting anything so just call me when you can!" i said.

"Alright, bye love, i miss you!" he said.

"Miss you too. see ya soon!" i said and hung up.

I missed him so much and he's only been gone for a few hours. ugh, this was going to be torture.

**End of this chapter! haha it was a little boring but the whole leaving part in the plane literally made me tear up. so cute!

and OMG 1,110 READS! I LOVE YOU GUYS!! **

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