Take My Breath Away.

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Niall's POV.

"OKAY!" I yelled into the mic.

"I have something serious to talk about..so I need everyone to please, be completely quiet for just a second." I asked sitting on the couch, the boys around the stage.

I heard silence but a few screams.

"SHH!" Harry yelled..I chuckled.

"Okay, so I be you can see, I'm still not fully recovered..we'll my leg is still in like a brace...and the bruises are everywhere..but I wanted to say that I'm okay." I said.

"And I wanted to tell you all what happened so all these rumors are cleared up.." I said.

"On our way to our concert here in Texas..we got in a pretty bad accident..there was a big car..I'm not sure if it was just a big SUV or a truck..I don't know, because it drove away after..
But what I do know is...it hurt me...and the love of my life." I turned my head, and stood up...motioning for Cassie to come on stage with me...she sat on the couch next to me..her hand in mine.

"The boys were shaken up and a bit bruised..but Cassie and I, were put in comas..mine worse than hers.."

"When I woke up...I didn't know who he was...I didn't know anyone...heck, I didn't remember any of you." Cassie said into the mic.

"I didn't remember her either..Funny, how could a couple that's been together for so long, forget each other?" I said standing up.

"I still don't know. But I remember a lot..basically everything..but when I was little to a few years ago is a complete haze..I don''t remember any of it." Cassie said.

"But that doesn't matter...I wanted all of you to know what happened...that we're okay. I wanted you all to know, that no matter what Cassie and I go through, we love each other more than anything....now I see signs out there with some awful things on them about her...and I don't like it. She is the love of my life..and I don't understand why you "fans" still say stuff about her..our directioners get it...but if you can't grasp that...then, you aren't a true directioner..."

"That wasn't the point of this speech..I wanted you, and the world to know..that one day I will marry this girl..she will be my wife..I want you all to know how much she means to me..and how much all of this, means to me..you, one direction..everything."

"I want you, Cassie, to know." I said getting on one knee as she stood before me.

"That in this box, one day will be an engagment ring..but for now, it's just an empty box..I want you to keep it with you..forever.and the day you can't find it...you'll know it's time.."

"I want you to know, that at that moment, you will now longer be Cassandra Leigh Davis...you will be...

Cassandra Leigh Horan."


I woke up from a very vivid dream of m on stage.....speaking to everyone.

I looked around the room..I was in m house..I looked next to me and saw her..sleeping ever so soundly next to me..her arms up together..her keeps pulled to her chest. I watched her breathe so deeply and snore ever so slightly..

I watched her eyes flutter around under her eyelids..I watched her twitch in her sleep..I just watched her beauty..

I wish I could just tell her everything I remembered that night. That I was that 'out-of-body' thing..and I saw everything. I saw her walk around the hospital that night..and I saw her stand in the window watching the couple with their baby..I watched her sit in her room while I tried changing the songs..I watched her sing in the shower using the shampoo bottle as her microphone...I watched it all..everything I thought I would miss...but I saw it..

Man Who Can't Be Moved..-Niall Horan Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now