Chapter 22; Can't Back Down

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Dedication goes to @moniecoco3000  because her comment made me laugh!! :) and it gave me an idea! You'll see... hope you like it!

Thanks for 15,000+ views! I love you guys, thanks for reading.


~Chapter 22; Can't Back Down

I ran my fingers up and down Harry's chest, my head leaning against it, as we lie in the grass.

"Harry, what are these?" I asked, pointing to two bumps on his chest. They kind of looked like moles...

"Oh.." Harry said, looking down to see what I was pointing to. "I have four nipples."

I burst out laughing. Four nipples?! That's hilarious! Harry smiled down at me and chuckled with me for a moment, before he leaned over and grabbed his shirt. He pulled it over his head, so his chest was covered once again.

"If you're gonna make fun of them you can't look at them." he teased, just causing me to laugh more. I laughed so hard I was wiping away the tears that were forming in my eyes. Harry had a look of annoyance on his face, so I stuck my tongue out at him. He smirked at me before leaning in and pecking my lips again. He pulled away and I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Harry?" I said quietly.. still running through my thoughts.

"Yeah?" he said, meeting my eyes with his green ones.

"Can we talk"

"Sure," he said letting out a soft chuckle. "What about us?"

So many things ran my mind. I could never leave Harry, but what happens when our parents finally get married? Then what are we gonna do? What about how far we'll take this relationship. The experience with Adam was horrifying, I didn't want it, but with Harry it might be different. I actually like Harry that much, I mean I even liked him while I was with Adam. Do I want sex with Harry...?

"Mia?" he said, tilting my chin up so my eyes met his again.

"Would we have sex?" I blurted out, instantly regretting it. I covered my mouth, leaning away from him. I sat up, running my hands through my hair nervously.

"Do you want to?" he said, sitting up and meeting my eyes again. I tensed with the intense eye contact he created, and I could tell he sensed it when he placed his hand on my knee. "I wouldn't push you into anything like that."

"I know that Harry," I mumbled. He wasn't that kind of guy.

"Would you want to do something like that...with me?" he asked, carefully.

"I don't know." I said, playing with my fingers, and looking down at him. "I think so."

He grabbed my hands from my lap and intwined them with his.

"That's nothing to be embarrassed about.." he mumbled, smiling at the end.

"I know...but..."

"But what?"

"Isn't it weird?"

"No, at least I don't think so." he said. "I think you're referring to our situation.." he mumbled. "Just because our parents are in love, doesn't mean it's wrong for us to be in love."

Love? Was Harry in love with me? Or was that just his choice of words...

"Don't think to hard on it babe, if it happens it'll happen, and trust me it will be special." he said, placing a gentle kiss on my forehead. I smiled back up at him, as he rose from his postition. He reached his hand out for me, and I placed my hand in his. He pulled me up, so we were both now on our feet. "We should probably go back." he said, probably because the sun was beginning to go down. I nodded my head in agreement and we began walking back to our house.

Harry was leading the way, so he was the first one to the door. He opened it up slowly, probably expecting to get yelled at...or at least that's what I was thinking. My grandma had probably talked to my parents about everything that happened tonight, and that most likely ticked off my mom.

I followed behind Harry into the house, which was empty..well down stairs anyways. I walked back outside to see if their cars were in the driveway, and they weren't?

"Are they gone?" I asked.

"Sure looks like it.." Harry mumbled. I walked into the kitchen, and as I expected my mom left a note on the counter.

'We took grandma out for dinner. We should be back around 9!

Love, mom.'

"They took my grandma out for dinner." I said.

"Thank god." Harry mumbled.

"Harry!" I said, playfully hitting his arm.

"What? She's not exactly a lovely woman."

"She's still my grandma."

"Sorry.." Harry said, wrapping his arms around my waist. I was about to lean in and kiss him as I heard the door start to open. I quickly jumped away from him and backed into the sink. Thank god we weren't standing in the doorway where we could be spotted.

I walked out of the kitchen, to see my mother walking in, but she was alone.

"Where's grandma?" I asked.

"Oh, Des is helping her in." she said, smiling at me. Harry scooted passed me, going up the stairs. He mumbled goodnight as he went. Obviously, he was avoiding my grandma. "I'll assume that's because of earlier."

"You're right." I said, crossing my arms.

"Don't tell your grandma, but I think she deserved it." my mom mumbled. I almost choked on her words.

"Y-you do?" I stuttered.

"Yes, she's always so mean to everyone.. I'm glad Harry had the guts and didn't back down."

"Me too.." I mumbled, giving her another smile.

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