Chapter 25; Discovered Feelings

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Dedication goes to @hardcore_directioner :)

Haven't updated in about 10 days, sorry to keep you waiting! I'm wondering what's gonna happen in this chapter LOL probably a filler... :) but oh well. I didn't really know what to write, but I pushed myself because you guys deserve an update.


~Chapter 25; Discovered Feelings

 My phone buzzed in my lap, as we drove home from the doctors. My mom and I's exams both ended good, so now we got to go home.

From : Sammy
Where were you today?

I had forgotten to tell her that I wouldn't be there today... I really need to start spending more time with her, I've barely talked to her since Friday at school.

To : Sammy
Sorry, forgot to tell you I went to the doctors with my mom. I have quite a bit to tell you.

From : Sammy
Come over?:)

We hadn't had a sleep over in forever...and having one sounded like a good idea. It was a school night, but my mom was open minded sometimes..she'd probably say yes.

"Hey mom?"


"I know it's a school night, but I was wondering if I could go over to Sammy's.. We haven't had a sleepover in sooooo long!" I said, in the nicest voice I could summon up.

"Fine, just don't stay up late." she replied, after thinking for a moment.

She brought me home and I packed my bag to go to Sammy's house.

"Do you need a ride?" Harry said, standing in the doorway of my bedroom. A smile crossed my face before I picked up my bag putting it over my shoulder.

"Let's go.." I replied, following him out of my bedroom and out to his car.

"Thanks for the ride." I said, smiling widely at him.

"No problem," he said grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers. We always held hands in the car..which may seem dangerous, but Harry was a good driver. He rubbed my hand softly with his thumb, and a satisfied smirk sat on his lips.

We pulled into Sammy's driveway and Harry quickly pecked my lips before unbuckling my seatbelt for me.

"I'll see you tomorrow," he said, with a grin.

"Bye," I mumbled, a blush rising on my cheeks. I opened my door and stepped out of the car. I waved to Harry one last time before he pulled out of the drive way.

I walked up to Sammy's door and rang the doorbell, waiting for her to answer it.

"Finally! You're here!" she said, welcoming me in. I followed her up the stairs and to her bedroom where I set my bag down on her floor, both of us sitting on the bed.

"So, why were you at the doctors?"

"'s pretty sad actually.." I mumbled. "My grandmother has breast cancer, and my mom and I had to get checked for it, since it's hereditary." 

"Aw..Mia, I'm sorry." she said opening up her arms and giving me a hug.

"But the good thing is..neither of us have it."

"That's great!" she said, trying to be more optimistic.

"I know.. I just feel so bad for my grandma. She'd never really been nice to me and I warned Harry about that before she came..she was being pretty rude and Harry stood up to her, but now she has breast cancer.." I told her. "But a few other things happened this weekend."

"Like what?" she said raising her eyebrows at me.

"We had another one of our weekend dates and it was perfect I had a lot of fun.. I love the weekends like that. But then we came back and Harry stormed off after he stood up to my grandma and I followed him out. I took him to this place I know around the woods for him to blow off steam.. but we ended up making out and he was shirtless by the end..."

"SHIRTLESS?!" Sammy said, in excitement.

"Yes, but that's where it stopped." I said with a giggle.

"Ohh.." she said, the excitement slowly dissapearing from her expression.

"Anything exciting happen to you this weekend?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Welllll...a few things.." she mumbled, beginning to blush.


"Don't get mad..but I hung out with Jacob."

"What happened?"

"We just kissed..."

"You what?!" I said surprised. They kissed?!?!

"Don't be mad! It just kind of happened..."

"I'm not mad.. j-just surprised."

"I think I like him."

"Y-you do?"


Ooooohhh.. do you like Sammy and Jacob as a couple? Do you think he'll be as much trouble as Adam is??.... let me know!

Sorry I know its short...

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