Chapter 1

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"Dear sister, calm down please. We have sent the guards to search for her, haven't we?" Celestia stated.
"But I can't let Nightmare Moon roam for free!" An angry Luna said.
"Please sister. Calm down a little so you can think straight."
"I can't! How would you feel if Chrysalis is behind you right now?"
"Don't say such a thing sister!" Celestia said but her mouth soon was covered by black holed hooves.

"Do not worry princess. I come here to aid you defeat Nightmare Moon. I have seen her owning her own body and running to the snowy land."
"Chrysalis? How did you go past the guards?" Luna asked.
"Easy. Sleeping spell." Chrysalis answered as she pointed to the sleeping guards.
"Wake them up!" Celestia snorted.
"With pleasure." Chrysalis said as dark green aura surrounded her horn and the guards started to wake.
"Honestly, do you think that I can believe a beast like you?" Celestia asked.
"I sense honesty in her Tia." Luna said.
"Fine! Tell me where Nightmare Moon is!" Celestia stomped her hoof on the ground.
"Calm down a little, sun princess. She ran to the snowy land on the north. I sent some of my kids to look for her. And also this guy is here to help us." Chrysalis explained as a tall winged creature appeared.
"Discord?!" Both Celestia and Luna exclaimed.
"Surprise?" He said as he popped between the sisters.

So, the four alicorns talked about how to capture Nightmare Moon.

Meanwhile, Nightmare Moon had gotten her body and she was running to wherever her hooves or wings brought her to. Half an hour later, she stopped to rest a little.
"I don't have enough magic to raise the moon yet." She let out a deep sigh. "But soon, enough, I certainly will do it!" She exclaimed.
"Excuse me, young black lady. Are you alright?" Another pony surprised her.
"What are you up to?" Nightmare Moon angrily turned around to face a stallion. When she looked to his eyes, she felt like she could never move her eyes away.
"Um... are you alright?" The stallion broke the silence.
"Oh, well, um yes I am." For the first time the black mare spoke gently.
"I am Blizzard Snow, and I caused the land here to snow for around three months. And sometimes during summer, fall and spring. Nice to meet you." He bowed to the alicorn.
"Don't bow to me!" Nightmare Moon was startled by his action. "Name's Nightmare Moon, the one in the tales."
"Yes, it is I standing here." Nightmare Moon said as she stood on all four.
"You look like you could use a shelter, Moon."
"Thank you very much."
The pair soon walked off to Blizzard's small castle and started to get know each other.
They fell in love and started having some relationship. Blizzard's friends around him knew about their relation, but they nevertheless accepted it.
Unknown to Blizzard, Nightmare Moon had set up something against their love.

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