Chapter 6

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The other princesses had been conviced magically to believe that the unicorn they caught was the twin's father, but somehow, he kept the secret of their mother to himself.
"Dad?!" Blizzard called. It was two days before the execution, a word that a filly didn't really understand.
"What is it, my dear?" Blizzard Snow replied, imitating his wife a bit to be warm.
"A-are you sure you don't want to go?" Nightmare asked.
"Escaping." Answered the twin together. Sadly, their father shook his head.
"Why?" Asked Blizzard, tears formed on her dark green eyes.
"It is, my duties. Like that, I can protect you more."
"But I want to be with you home!" Protested Nightmare, which her lime green eyes had formed tears as well.
"Wherever you two is together, that is our home." Blizzard Snow reassured.

"Time's up, fillies." A guard said when Nightmare touched her father's chest fur.
"Can I still come back tomorrow?" She asked.
"Sadly little filly, no, you cannot."
"Then I will not leave!" Nightmare said as she and Blizzard sat in front of their father's cell.
Nightmare, Blizzard Moon, and the guard kept arguing until Princess Celestia herself came.

"Tell me." She ordered to the guard, which was shaking of surprise.
"Y-your highness," he said, bowing, "t-these fillies don't want to leave. I-I assume they want a closer touch to their f-fat-ther." He stumbled a little in his sentence. Princess Celestia thought about this for awhile.
"I think I know how to ressolve this problem. Prisoner Blizzard Snow, you shall spend this night with your fillies."

"Listen, do not bother trying to teleport him anywhere, I have put a very special force field around here. You won't be able to escape, even your spirit won't." Celestia explained coldly. The stalion in question nodded. Celestia soon left the stallion with his fillies.

"Dad, do you remember this picture?" Nightmare asked her father as she showed the photo in her book. The stallion nodded.
"I have to take a bath now. You two wait there." He said warmly.

* * *

"He won't feel alot, girls." Cadance reassured the crying fillies.
"Besides, it is still tomorrow. Only that you are not permitted to meet him... until tomorrow." She continued. That didn't help. Cadance wrapped a wing around Blizzard, and another around Nightmare.
"Moon, Snow. May I know your full names?" Princess Cadance asked. The fillies quickly shook their head. Cadance nodded in an understanding manner as she comforted the fillies to sleep.

The next morning, they woke up to find the door out from their room sealed.
"What happened?" Blizzard asked. As on cue, the door opened and Cadance entered, bringing two bowls of cereal.
"You two shall not leave this room until ten o'clock." Cadance declared. "Here, eat your breakfast, and here are the story books you can read while waiting." She said with a sad smile.
"I'll make sure I will come back in two hours." She finished as she looked to the clock which said, thirty past six in the morning. She then left the room, locking it in magic once more.

"She doesn't know my power." Nightmare whispered to Blizzard. Her twin agreed. Both of them finished their cereals and tried to escape by teleporting. Somehow, only Nightmare was able to teleport to the execution field.

Princess Celestia noticed the bright light by the corner of her eyes, excused herself and asked Princess Luna to take care of the ceremony.

Nightmare, who used too much magic was blinded for a few seconds. She opened her eyes to face a terror, Princess Celestia was looking down on her.

"I should have thought about this." Celestia said coldly as she took something from the thin air. It was revealed to be ring, but it wasn't just any normal ring.
"W-what is it?" Nightmare asked, shaking as Celestia put it around her small black horn. The ring fitted perfectly as Nightmare felt a different feeling from her normal magic flow.
"W-why.. why is magic flow sensation different?" She asked curiously. To find out Celestia was nowhere around her, and a smaller force field was around her.

She walked to touch the barrier but to soon be surrounded by a strange overwhelming pain. She got angry and casted her teleportation spell, but only sparks were made.
"Huh?" She spoke as a realization hit her. She started crying at the very moment, burying her head in her hooves.

A small 'thud' caused her to raise her head. Celestia was canceling her force field and stared right into her eyes.
"I'm very dissapointed in you." Celestia stated and the statement echoed a few times in Nightmare's ears. The filly lowered her head, her ears flat against her head.
"You will get a week of punishment." The sun princess continued as two guards chained Nightmare and lead her to the dungeon.

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