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Kenji's phone is ringing...

"hello?!!..., mom?.."

"Kenji!!..How are you there, son?" his mom asked.

"im fine....very fine.." he answered quickly.

"you sounds so happy, huh!...By the way, you have to go back here in New York by the end of the week..."

"huh?..What?!!..,why?" he exclaimed.

"you've been staying there for a month!!, dont you have plans to go back here?!!"

"but mom..-" her mom cut him off.

"no more but's!..Hmmmm..Wait, is there something going on there and that's why you seems like you dont have any plans to go back here??!"

"woaah!..mother extincts never fails.." he thought.

"hey!, Kenji!..Are you still there?.."

Knowing that he have to go back in New York very soon made him think how he's going to tell it to Hikaru.

"uhmm..yah..what is it again,mom?.." he hesitated.

"Kenji!!..,you're talking with me, yet you're mind is floating somewhere!!,tell me..What's the reason why you sounds like you want to spend the rest of your life there..??"

"spend the rest of my life...Here?.." he repeated on his mind..

"Kenji!!.." his mom yelled over the phone.

"ooh..Im sorry mom!,ahmm...You'll know soon...."

"so, son is keeping a secret to me now..."

"'re going to know it soon....Dont worry...uhmmm..Let's just say,im just been so captivated when i saw the most beautiful cherry blossom here in Tokyo.."

"hmmm...a cherry blossom?..Alright..,I think i know what you're talking about!..,could you tell me more about this cherry blossom thing?.." his mom said in a teasing tone.

"mom..,it's getting late here..,let me sleep please..." he pleaded.

"alright...alright..,take care,son!..See you soon."

"i love you,mom!!" he replied then he hung up the phone.

He went back to his bed and stared blankly at the ceiling.

"i'm going to ask her tomorrow...,i hope she will say yes.." he said to his self and then he fell asleep.

Next day..

"Good choice sir!!..Im sure your girlfriend will like it!!.." the seller uttered. Kenji smiled. "thanks!.." he answered.

After he bought a necklace with a cherry blossom pendant for Hikaru, Kenji excitedly headed to the train station.

He can't leave Hikaru.For him, being with her is where he belong and the only place he wanna be.That's why he wanted to ask her if she wants to come with him in New York, start a new life there..,a new life being with him,forever...

When Kenji is already inside the train,..he brought out the necklace.He stared at it and imagined what would be Hikaru's reaction when he gave it to her and ask her to come with him.

"no matter what you're answer would be, i will love you Hikaru.." he said to his self. "i love you..." he whispered.

Then the train stopped all the sudden, all the passengers were screaming.Kenji's vision darkened...

--at the park..

Hikaru is already waiting for Kenji at their usual place.She felt happier and happier as the time advances.She really wanted to see Kenji and to feel his strong, warm arms being wrap with her body.For her, Kenji is her strength, her life and her only love.

Suddenly, the whole town was defeaned by a loud blast.People were running away from the train station.

"the trains collided!!...,the trains collided!!..." the man shouted..

"it's going to explode again!...Get out of here!.."


"hey! What's happening?" the old woman asked.

"the two trains collided.., and they said that the massive explosion was caused by the denotation of explosives that the trains were carrying!.." the man explained.

Hikaru was stunned.Her heart skipped a beat.She cant even move, hearing those words almost broke her heart.

Policemen,ambulances and fire trucks were everywhere.They didnt let anyone to come near the train station.Hundreds of people died, some are critical and a lot of people were still missing.

Hikaru went to the hospital where the critical passengers of the train were taken.But she didnt find Kenji.He even went to the train station, but the policemen just pushed her away.No one cared to understand any of her internal struggles.She went back to their usual meeting place of Kenji.There, she bursted into tears.She's screaming inside, she's calling Kenji's name.

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