Monday, December 13, 2010

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I took down a base yesterday. When I left the unit, they supplied me with a bunch of ammunition and the locations of a few enemy weapon depots. With these things, I have collected enough ammo to take out this next base. It is the same size as the one I tried to destroy with my unit, but this time I am alone. They are expecting an army to attack any day now. Soon, I will attack them disguised as that army. I have scouted out the area and determined a few good routes to take so as not to be spotted. I have mostly collected explosives since they do the most damage when placed correctly. And since I have already picked out the spots I will be planting them, all I need now is a few guns for self defense. I have a few rifles that I will set on automatic fire. That will make them think the army is attacking them while I will place the bombs around their base. If all goes well, they won’t know what hit them.

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