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This angered the man greatly. He wanted to take care of her and make her better. She deserved better and he was the one to do so.

"Stay here. Take care of yourself." He sighed

"Travis? Thanks for everything."

"No problem. Just get better. Okay?"

She nodded and put her jacket back on.

"Can I be honest?"

The man nodded.

"Why do you care about me? We barely know each other and you've treated me better than anyone I know."

"Your thinking too hard about this. Just let someone be nice to you. Take care of you."

"Travis I'm not a charity case."

"I never said that."

"Well for my own self validation I'll get a job."

"You don't have to do that."

"I know but it's for me." She patted his thigh before going up to her room

This fucking beeping I'd driving me insane. I've in this bitch for 2 days because this nigga broke my ribs and collar bone. I'm suppose to be discharged today but it seems like the clock ain't moving. I called Candy to pick me up but she taking forever.

Speaking of the devil.

"Sorry babe. Magic kept me late."

"Just help me with this shit." He pointed to his crunches

She set her purse down.

"Fuck it I don't need them." He growled standing up

The duo checked out and Candy took him to her house. Considering her couldn't stay at Cyn's dorm because he wasn't a student.

"Here's the key go in."

"Where you going?" He asked stepping out of the car

"Stay here. I got to go back to work." Candy instructed before leaving

She pulled off and took the short drive back to Magic City. She walked back in going to the back to finish her shift.

Over with Cyn she was fighting to find a job. She's been job hunting for a few days now sending resumes out left and right. Many places turned her away because she hadn't finished college yet but little did they know, she wasn't going back.

She had no plans of going back. She could have her tuition switched over but to where? If she did that she's have to leave the city. Not to mention Travis. Even if she left she had to have money to live off of. Either way she needed a job and pickings were becoming slim.

She needed money and fast. Magic City. She swallowed hard before turning the idea away. She couldn't anyway. Her body was bruised and no one wanted to see that. She'd give herself time to heal while thinking about it. She unzipped her jacket looking over her bruised body.

"Nothing CoCo Butter can't fix."

She just had to take care of herself like Travis said. So for the past two weeks she had been doing just that. Eating healthy. Drinking water. Working out. Her body was clearing up noticeably.

Travis had been asking her if she was clearing up and she always said somewhat. She wanted to show him her progress so she threw on a crop top and tucked her hands deep in the pocket of her jeans. Nervous wasn't the word, she herself hadn't actually looked into the mirror yet so this was big for her too.

"Trav?" She called cracking the door open

She could see him in the bathroom with a toothbrush dangling from his lip. He was dressed but she wanted to respect his privacy so she called him again.


He looked into the mirror at her and waved her in. She walked in and stood in the bathroom door way.

"2 weeks post." She said pointing to her stomach

He smirked and flicked water at her.

"Trav." She shielded herself

"It's beautiful ma. What's up with the job hunting?"

"I got an idea of where I'm going to work." She chewed her cheek

"Okay. Tell me." He waved his hand as he wiped his face

"Magic City."

"Fuck no." He shook his hand

"Travis what am I going to do? No one wants we because I haven't finished school."

"Then go back."

She looked at him almost shocked.

"That was dumb to say. But Magic City? No Cyn."

"I thought so." She said lowly before leaving his room

She had no intentions of listening to him. She wasn't going to live off of him. Although he said she wasn't a charity case she felt like one.

"Magic here I come."

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