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"You nervous?"

"No. Not really."

The man nodded then grabbed the woman's hand as he drove into the driveway of her parents home.

The man turned and looked at her hearing her sigh. He gave her hand an assuring squeeze.

"You don't have to do this mamas. But I know you can."

The woman nodded and released his hand before exiting the car. The man followed holding her hand once more as he knocked on the door.

The door open moments later revealing her dad.

"Hello son, nice to see you again." The man greeted Travis with a smile

"Hello sir." Trav shook his hand

"Hi princess. Give your old man a hug."

Cyn smiled and hugged her father.

"I missed you daddy."

"I missed you too princess. Now let's go eat."

The trio made it to the table where Cyn's mother and little sister were already seated.

"Hi Kay Kay." Cyn squatted down best she could to hug her little sister

"Alright that's enough." Her mother spoke but Cyn didn't stop

"I'm going to come get you to play with baby sometimes."

Kay Kay smiled and nodded.

"You will not disrespect me in my own house. You can leave." Her mother spoke again

"This is my fathers house." Cyn stated with a smile as she sat down

"I play a major part in this household."

"Anywho, I came here to have dinner with my family and share some news."

"We already know your pregnant. What's next, married at 20?"

"Mom do me a favor and be quiet please. Anyway, I'm moving back to Texas with Travy."

"Really princess?"

"I hope to finish school too."

"You didn't go to fucking college because you had me a 16. You married my daddy who took care of you."

"Cyn." Travis grabbed her as she leaned on the table

The woman took her seat once more gripping Travis' hand. No one at the table spoke for a short spell but her mother didn't let up.

"Well I think you should leave the baby here then go finish school. That's more important." The woman's mother spoke before taking a sip of her wine

The woman rose from her seat and stared at her mother in shock. The man gripped her hand which he still held.

"You expect me to leave my child here when you can't even take care of the two you laid down to have. "

"You'll watch your mouth." Her mother slammed her fist down on the table

"No fuck that. You neglected me all my life and I didn't deserve that shit. Then you allowed Taison to beat me. What type of mother are you? I did nothing but love you but I got none back!" The small woman screamed as she fought of the tears coming to her eyes

"Kay Kay upstairs." Her dad sent her little sister to her room

"Taison did what?"

"He beat me daddy." The woman broke down crying in Travis' arms

"He did no such thing!" The woman mother screamed before jumping to her feet

"You talk so fucking much. Well talk about this, whose my real fucking father?!" The woman screamed at her mother making her father turn and look too

"What are you talking about princess?"

"Daddy she was cheating when she got pregnant. She told me. She said you adopted me because my real father left her."

"She's lying."

"Dad why would I lie about that."

"It's alright princess. JoAnn get your things and leave my house."

"You believe the little bitch."

"You will not speak to my daughter like that. Leave my house."

"Well you know what. She right! I'm taking my daughter with me too."

"You'll take no such thing."

"I'm sorry daddy." Cyn cried seeing her parents fall apart

"No. Thank you princess. I never doubted you for a second and I will continue not to. You're my daughter."

The woman broke away from Travis and hugged her father.

"Now let's have an official family dinner. Kay Kay come down." The man called before getting seated

"I didn't mean to." The woman cried silently to Jacques as her mom drug a suitcase down the stairs

She repeated it as she rubbed her pulsing stomach.

"My stomach hurts Jacques." She sniffled

"Let's go lay down. If you don't mind sir." He spoke to the woman's father for approval, he nodded

"My old room is upstairs."

The man picked the woman up from her seat and jogged her upstairs. She led him to her room then she allowed him to lay her down.

"I didn't mean that. My family is gone." The woman coughed cradling her stomach

"Stop crying mama." The man scooped up the woman's head into his lap as he sat down

"My fami-"

"Stop it."

The man rocked his crying princess for almost an hour until they both were sleep.

The woman's father peeped in and checked on the duo seconds after they fell asleep. The night had held bittersweet memories for the woman's father but this made it worth it in a way. His babygirl hadn't been home peacefully since she was 16. But now she's home and there's nothing but love surrounding her. Despite what had happened earlier he felt a sense of relief with the departure of his wife.

Cyn woke up hours later staring into the face of Travis who slept peacefully next to her. She played with his lips as she did when they first stated dating. She tapped his nose...lips.....forehead ever so lightly. A smirk crept on the mans face.

"You up mama. What time is it?"

"12. We slept for a long time."

"You okay now?"

"Yeah. I talked to my dad for a second and he's fine. So that lightened the mood."

The man stared into her big brown orbs as she search the dark ceiling. He himself was already in love...she was falling again.

....and even harder than the first time.

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