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"Shut up. Your lying." The woman laughed slapping the mans arm

"Nah I'm not."

He pulled her into him placing his hands on her stomach.

"Travis that's extreme. I doubt it."

"Can you just be happy? Damn." He chuckled

"I am...it's just hard to believe. We only had sex a few times."

"It only takes one time to make a child and we surpassed that. Plus I only pulled out a couple times."

"So what does this mean?"

"That my beautiful girlfriend is giving me my first child....that is what it means."

A small smile graced the woman's face as she looked away from Trav.

"Can we get a test or something?"

"Yea well go to the doctor I'm a few days. You got everything?"

She nodded before grabbing a small stack of papers from a drawer.

"I'm ready now."

She followed Travis to the car clinging to his hand. Once the duo made it in the car Cyn began looking through her things.

"That's your mom?" Travis pointed at a older woman in Cyn's photo album


"She stays out here?"

"No, in New York."

"You miss her?"

"Yea I miss my whole family, they all stay up there."

He nodded already brewing a plan in his head.

"Trav even if I'm pregnant. I still want to finish school."

"There's always time for that. I mean you could do it after the baby is here. Your money isn't going anywhere."

"I know but....I should've finished it in the first place."

"What are you saying?"

"I should have stayed."

"Stayed where?! Here and keep letting that nigga hit you! You serious Cynnia?!"

She flinched at his sudden outburst. Neither of the duo spoke for the rest of the ride.

"I'm sorry." Cyn said before getting out the car

He unlocked the house letting her walk in. He let her walk up stairs to her old room placing her bag in it before crossing the hall to the other room.

He followed after her.


She hummed indicating she heard him.

"Come here please baby girl."

She went to him standing between his legs as he sat on the bed.

"I didn't mean to yell at you."

"I know."

"I'm sorry baby." He rested his hands on her hips bringing her closer

"It's fine." She mumbled pulling him off of her

"Lay with me." He pulled her into bed crawling between her legs resting his head on her stomach.

Truth was, Cyn's mom is a bitch. She looked down on Cyn for most of her life but once she made it through high school with multiple scholarships she told Cyn that she was proud of her. That meant the world to Cyn and if her mom hears that she's basically dropping out of college to have a child her mom would flip.

Her mom has showed her bad side to Cyn multiple times. Cyn had gotten into a fight senior year in high school and her mother picked her up from the principals office. When they arrived home she practically attacked Cyn. The two were in a full on fight. Her father separated the two and her mom kicked her out that day. She didn't leave thanks to her father but she knew from that point on that she had to show her mom that she wasn't worthless. She did that by getting into college but... finishing college is something totally different.

Once the woman was sure Travis was sleep she let her tears fall. She didn't bother to wipe them scared that Travis would wake up. After crying for what seemed like forever she found sleep.
The man woke up in an empty bed. He stretched before looking around for his phone.

"Baby girl?" He yawned

"Right here." Her small voice said from the bathroom

"Why you up so early?"

"I talked to my siblings."

"I didn't know you had more than one sibling from what I saw in the photo book last night."

"Well he isn't my brother he's....Taison's."


"He's Taison's brother and we've been close since forever."

"So what? Why you talking to anyone that associates with that nigga?" The man stood up from the bed glaring at Cyn

"He still talks to my parents."

"So what?"

"Calm down please."

"Cyn your basically inviting him back in your life." He softened his tone

"No I'm not. Tarren is my brother, blood or not and he didn't know Taison was beating me. He still stays in New York and still speaks to my parents. He gave me advice and told me how they're doing because we don't talk anymore."

"Cyn I don't want you talking to him anymore. Too much can happen."

"And I don't want you talking to Rihanna." She furrowed her eyebrows

"That's different Cyn."

"It's not different at all."

"What you jealous? That's cute." He chuckled

"No I'm not. She called this morning too."

"You answer?"

"No. I'd rather not talk to your little girlfriend."

"Aww baby you jealous." He laughed pulling her into a hug

"Go call your little girlfriend."

"She really just my friend."

"And Tarren's my brother so what's the problem?"

"Cyn he's Taison's brother. That's the difference."

"And you've been caught kissing on Rihanna! Get off of me Travis." The woman pulled away grabbing her keys leaving the house.

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