Sadder But Wiser

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*Imagine marrying Loki after a weird incident.*

"Loki stop! You know this can happen!" You sprint away from the shore hiding into the nearest forest. The darkness of its demon nature feels like extra comfortable clothes camouflaging you from anyone, even Loki's sight. You run further out, felling guiltier than ever; ditching him like that. But you knew, he knew what would be in presence if he secretly became to you more than just your friend. A storming insanity buff father behind your back.
"(Y/N)! Please, I won't let you be restrained by your fathers hopes! And force you into being captivated by Thor! I need you more than anything! Regardless that he thinks he will execute me and punish you for a mistake that is only under his bond laws!" Loki hollows near.

'Oh Loki.' You whispered to yourself. More of a cry.

"I need you!" His sobs started to fragile his feelings. "I want you, and I will never stop showing my affections towards you!" This time he screams furiously. Using the magic he taught you, you clone yourself around his presence. In order to speak without him knowing that you still are hidden behind a tall pine tree.

"This secret devotion is to hurtful for me to deal with, what of Thor?"

"He can find his own!" He crashes into you illusions.

"I can't let him go through that, he spoken with in his heart." Your eyes swallowed tears as they shut. You suddenly feel soft hands pulling your chin up. Afraid to look. But soon opened them starring into ocean blue eyes tearing waves. His visage harder to see. His warm breath evaporating.

"My dear, know I will never hurt you." His face inches away from yours. The closer he is the more visible his tears are as they roam all over his pale cheeks. You sense a peace of your heart disappearing. "His eyes upon your face, His hand upon your hand, His lips caress your skin,
It's more than I can stand." He coo softly, holding your cheeks he gaze with a devastating expression. "Feelings I can't fight! You're free to leave me but Just don't deceive me! ...And please believe me when I say I love you!" He sing the song you both used to make fun of because it's to dramatically romantic that is seem hilarious for the both of you. You would exchange parts in between the song.

Realizing he's meaning everything he sings, you stop completely, no breathing, blinking, shaking, you just stood still with wide pink eyes. Your heart rapidly melting underneath your feet. Completely numb.

"Suspicion, jealousy, hatred." You think out loud to yourself, everything you said forming a puzzle. He's not Loki.

"Please, I love you (Y/N)!"

"No." You breathe heavily for oxygen. "No..."


You glare at him.
"...for the record my Loki is never this sociopath, also doesn't have bright glowing ocean blue eyes! His are raven green! His emotions are stronger than whoever you are!" Your anger grew into rage. Someone or somebody was messing with you emotions.
A dark shadow crawls behind the fake Loki.
Glowing purple eyes, wings larger than your tiny body. 'What the hell is that?' You squint at it. 'Maleficent?'
And yet of course you had no other choice but to...RUN!
Near the entrance of the palace you sprint your way inside. Luckily you saw Thor sitting at his throne lonelier than ever. You emerge your route towards him.

"What in heaven have you got into girl?" He stands straight gripping your hands. Gazing sweetly down at you.

"I can't deal with this anymore Thor, I can't marry you-I'm sorry." You search his eyes for hope.

"If it makes you any happier (Y/N), I led Loki to have the right to marry you. He loyal, honest, brave, loving, the past is on the brother deserves the life he wished for year ago. He'll become king. I'll offend earth with the Avengers. (Y/N)?"


"Please-please take my brothers hand."

"I-I" but what about the Loki--"Yes."

"Thank you, sister"

Tom Hiddleston (your love)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant