Your Lady What?

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*Imagine you and Tom arguing about your attitude and getting drunk.*

"Stop patting my back Tom!" You slap his hand from the cause of its discomfort. You emitted a sound like a bubbling spring, a gurgling in the back of your throat. Hiccups....Great!....not at all in that state. Tom cutely glares at you pretty much offended as he rubs his own hand.

"What know? I can't touch my own girl?" He brings his eyebrows closer, bringing a clear expression, confused and angry. Even better.

"First correction! 'HIC!'....You didn't touch you pat my back. Second I'm sorry I even did that." You hold his big soft warm hand.

"Just give me an honest answer." He nodded in concern. You gaze onto his beautiful sky, ocean blue warming eyes.

"What ever do you mean?" You roll your eyes breaking eye contact with his adorable ones. Hiccuping.

"You've been an ass. Or whatever you girls call each other when one is a hot head." You stare at him with shock.

"Excuse me?"

"Precisely." He rapidly obtains his hand.

"Lets just say-girls have different genitals than men. 'HIC!' One literally has to go through a menstruation cycle. And that shit hurts like hell. Why else did you suspect when I refuse to be touched down there? You smooth ass fucker."

"What?" He rises one eyebrow higher than the other, laughing. You get on your feet from the living couch and amble your way into the kitchen. Grabbing the chocolate, vanilla, strawberry ice cream and the red bottle of wine. Without giving a crap you grab a spoon eating the edge of your favorite flavor and drinking off the wine bottle.

"Please don't leave me." You said as you sat on the butt warming stool.

"Why would I?" He walks to the kitchen turning the lights on, making your eyes for a flash moment blind.

" sound like you hate me already." You stuff your mouth with ice cream. "I mean, look at yourself! You look like your about to murder someone. Is it because i'm fat?!" You stare at him.

"No. Your beautiful in every way."

"Don't lie."

"I'm not." He frowns at the bottle of wine. You offer it to him by passing it to him. He nodded in disagreement.

About an hour you both got drunk not expecting it. You kept laughing and nodding at Toms rude random jokes. He snickers besides you. "Did you know?" He he holds the bottle of wine above his head.

"Hmmm?" You hum stealing it away, taking a sip.

"Nancy-Nancy never was in her family group portrait because she was to ugly-haha-to ugly that...she needed to take the picture for them!" You both burst in laughter.

"Wa-wait? Who's Nancy!" You ask.

"I don't know?" He giggles.

"I'd like to see things from your point of view Tom but-but I can't seem to get my head that far up my ass! Haaha!" You both laugh until it's quiet.

"You know? I like you. You remind me of when I was young and stupid." You fist pump each other.

"At your service, beautiful hot head."

"Oh man!" You fall off your seat as you yell. "Urrgghh!!"

"If only you participate."

"Didn't we had that conversation a decade ago?"



"Y-eah Doe-doesn't your boobs-have fe-elings?-you clearly hit the ground pretty hard." He grips the edges of the table supporting him as he leans back to look at you from where your face is planted.

"Oh you mean Gloria and Clara! Yeah they've been hurt but not as much as my damn knee!" Your screams echoed from every corner of the room. Tom kept snickering like a jerk. His lungs didn't inhale much oxygen which cause him to fell on his back. Cussing under his giggles.

"Awww...My poor baby!!" You whine crawling to his side. Hugging him like a teddy bear, tightly leaving him without a breath. "Should we?" You pat his chest.


Both of you end up watching The Revenant, Mad Max, and The Office.

Tom Hiddleston (your love)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant