Singing to Tom

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*Imagine singing to your favorite actor.(Tom)*

^^^Watch the video above^^^

You take five long steps on the wooden brown stage with at least fifty people drinking and smoking in the audience. You grip the cold silver microphone close to your chest. Avoiding the many pierced eyes that lay comely on your beautiful face. You feel like you've been roaming around the Sahara Dessert. Exhausted, sick but you put it all to the side.
Your cheeks are rosy pink, (short/medium/long) wavy soft hair due, and are dressed formally. The room soon shuts down all the lights, leaving you with no expectations of a bigass sun light shining bright on your godly figure. You flinch a little, blinking quickly to regain your sight. Thoughts passing by your head like bullet trains.

Tom dressed in a comfortable black suit, underneath a white dress shirt and a blue tie. Curly brown-ginger hair, blue marvel eyes, lips curved upwards. He blinks twice trying to find you. He knows who you are and has suddenly in a miracle sense has had a huge crush on you.

The funny thing is that you don't know your actually singing to him. As if he was there on stage you sing with all hopes wishing for him to hear your voice and tell you you're worth something more. A gentleman starts playing the piano. Your eyes never leave the wooden ground.
Those pink lips releasing beautiful tunes as you sing alike a angel.

"When you were here before
Couldn't look you in the eye
You're just like an angel-" You here people cheering and clapping for twenty seconds letting you do your job. You glance at the audience; satisfied that you couldn't see anyone. Pitch black. You smile.
"You float like a feather
In a beautiful world
I wish I was special
You're so very special"
You take a big breath.

"But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here" You let a small tear out. This part of the song reminds you of how you feel stuck in one place and inside your mind there's pure fun, excitement but you don't see that you see a creep who's obsessed. You let out a sudden sharp sob more like a cough. You nervously forget... You know what it meant if you coughed. It scared you more than anything.

"I don't care if it hurts...." You stop to inhale and exhale a breath. People see what your going through and cheer you on.

"-I want to take control..." A familiar voice is heard. More like a soft males voice. .....Tom Hiddleston's voice! You can see him come closer to you with a adorable smirk. "I want a perfect body" He finally appears on stage, walking towards you from behind. You know that theres a nighty nine percent chance you might faint. Instead you take the moment into making it the best memory.

"I want a perfect soul...
I want you to notice
When I'm not around" His dark sky eyes gaze straight at your soft (E/C) eyes.

"You're so fuckin' special
I wish I was special" With a bright smile and happy puppy eyes he slowly walks to you, noticing a tear overflow on the outside corner of your eyelid. He wipes your warm tear off against his glamorous thumb. You whisper 'hi' to him after giving him a faint smile. He returned a brighter smile. Mouthing to you, 'Hello darling'.

'You have to keep yourself up don't fail (Y/N). Your my sweet little angel. Your so young to see the light, yes I might die tomorrow but think less of grief and think of me as if I'm leaving to a happy place where soon I'll see you as you grow. I love you.' You thought of your (Mothers/Fathers/Guardians) words.
Screaming in agony the next day regardless of what (He/She) said.

"But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo!" You and Tom sing together which triggered men to whistle. You both shyly smile.

"What the hell am I-doing here?
I don't belong here..." Gasping for air you started to cough a dozen of times nonstop. Feelings of sharp rocks scraping inside your throat. Lungs wanting to pop. You fell on you knees. A pair of warm arms hug you. You desperately stare at your bloody hand. Scared. In pain.
You could hear the crowd freaking out and screaming.

"CALL THE AMBULANCE!!!!" Tom yelled laying you on his thighs, your face laying on his chest. Rocking you back and forth. "Your strong (Y/N)!" He sobs softly. "A lovely lady." By know your struggling to breath. "I love you. I love you. I love you." He repeated himself.

A couple of minutes you hear sirens and heavy steps. You could no longer see or move your muscles but you could only hear.
Hear Tom sobs, men screaming for medical supplies, loud whispering in the back of your head.
Two minutes....: you shut down.

Tom Hiddleston (your love)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant