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"We walk from here" we all started to get up and walk to the back of the truck everyone jumped out when it was my turn to jump but felt a pair of hands on my belly I looked down to see the sexy beast himself "come on women I don't got all day " after he said that I jumped and he lift me up and put me on the ground "thank you" I turned around and walked of adjusting my bag on my shoulder and made my way to the front of the guys "merle or guns first" I made an immediate halt and turn is my dad having a laugh this is a mans life were talking about "merle!! We ain't even having this conversation!" "We are!" My dad said straight after the words fell out of Daryl's mouth "well merles closest going for the guns means doubling back so merle first" I give my dad the dirtiest look I could muster up huffing and turning around leaving the guys behind..
As we made are way into the store we heard a noise all of us spun around and a walker came into view daryl pushed me back before aiming his crossbow at it "ugly skank " after he shot it he retrieved his arrow and we all bolted for the stairs everyone was running I didn't really wanna face angry merle so soon ,but then I heard daryl scream "NOO,NO!!!" So I bolted up the stairs as I came threw the door I seen my dad with a gun to Daryl's head mumbling something so I grabbed my gun and quickly walked over "get away from him dad" he doesn't move so clock my gun and put it to his head (Ino abit extreme but theirs no way in hell im letting anyone hurt him ) "kenz what are you doing " my dad said lowering Gun and turning to me "he's just lost his brother he's pissed he has every right to be angry right now so theirs NO way in hell that I'm letting you hurt him haven't you done enough buy taking his brother away from him !!" My dad looked stunned well everybody looked stunned so i removed my gun and holstered it and walked near the door while everybody else was talking I was looking for a clue some sign that merle was still alive just as I was about to turn around I see blood on the floor I bend and touch it " it's still warm " I mumbled out loud " guys I found something " they all ran to me and I stated following the blood just as we come to a room daryl runs in front " MERLE you in here MERLE !" That made everyone jump "shh just remember we're not alone out here " ergh I could smell something strong I so I followed my nose and it led me to a cooker that's gas was still on walking over to it I see something that looks like a iron " ergh so gross" all of a sudden Glenn spoke "ew what the hells that "  "he's a tough son-off-a-bitch he cauterized the stump " then everyone was in the room "told y'all he was tough feed him a hammer he'll crap out nails "  "tough or not he still lost a lot of blood " after that was said I zoned out my brain was going on overthink mode (why would he leave he must of new someone would be coming for him ergh this all could of been avoided if we would of just come back for him the next day my brain won't stop why am I over thinking this its merle Dixon a man who wouldn't piss on me if I was on fire ,"don't touch me you can't stop me !" I spun around and my dad and daryl was face to face ergh in getting so sick of this I storm over and get in the middle "SERIOUSLY YOUR LIKE A PAIR OF GIRLS BE GROWN UPS FORGOD SAKE IF HE WANTS TO GO YOU CANT STOP HIM OK !!!!" Looking between the pair of them "ok so can we get a move on and decide what where doing ?" They all just look stunned until Glenn speaks up"okay I'll help find him " then T " yea me to but im not strolling the streets of Atlanta with my good intentions "  looking around everybody was agreeing with T "okay so Glenn you no these streets more than any of us so what's your plan china man ??" All of us was huddled on the floor while glen told us what was happening "okay kenz you go with daryl in this alley while I go for the guns then Rick and T can wait in the alley up here cause if I can't get to you two I will be able to get to them okay so let's go !" "What did you do before all this ?" Daryl asked Glenn "delivered pizzas why??" All of us chuckle, After Glenn's little rant we all went to are places
Hiding behind a dumpster I couldn't stop looking at him "have you always been so bossy or is it just when it comes to me ?" Knocking me out of my trance I looked up to him "no I've always been this bossy " he chuckled at me (tap,tap,tap) I put my hand up to him then started crouch-walking from behind the dumpster all of a sudden this kid jumped into are ally daryl jumped up and aimed his crossbow "wowowo don't shoot what do you want " "looking for my brother you seen him he's hurt real bad "adumay ADUMAY "  I ran over and griped him by his throat "shut up your gonna bring the geeks down on us ! " " ADUMAY ADUMAY ADUMAY " I punched him in the face knocking him to the floor "shut up NOW !! " daryl come over pulling me away he put his hand over his mouth then out of no where this car pulled up and two guys got out one ran for daryl and the other come for me I punched him in the face and he grabbed my arm and slapped me across the face as my head swung in the other direction I saw daryl aim his crossbow at the guy who has me buy the throat and shot him in the arse the guy let go and dropped to the floor the guy who was hurting daryl started booting him in the stomach so I ran over and jumped on his back "don't you fucking touch him you fucking wanker!!" What the hells getting into me I'm so protective over him the guy spun around while I was in my daydream and grabbed me by my hair just as glen come in the ally "that's the bag that's it take it take it " one of the guys shouted and he let go of me and ran at Glenn so I ran after him "run Glenn get out of here " glen started to run away when the guy grabs him and knocked him to the floor "you son-of-a-Bitch!!" The other guy slapped me and grabbed me by my hair while the other one grabbed Glenn and then I heard the car door open and I was being dragged away "DARYL!!!" "KENZIE!! Get back here you sons-a-bitches! " then I was in the back of a car and scared out of my mind !!!.

Rick Grimes Bad Ass Daughter - A Daryl Dixon LoveStoryWhere stories live. Discover now