Your pregnant ?

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Sitting at the tree still I just couldn't move what have I done I'm a monster (crunch) spinning round I see them gorgeous Georgia blue eye "what do you want daryl ?" I asked him whys he hear we still ain't talking ?"just wanted to make sure you was ok ?" " do I look okay ?? ,, that little girl is dead because of me its all my fault carol is never going to forgive me !" I said to him getting in my feet j try get passed him but he grabs my hand making me flinch my knuckles was cut to shit "why would you do this to your self !" He screamed at me inspecting my knuckles "you don't own me I can do what I want " I said ripping my hand away from him "seriously were still arguing " he said to me kinda amused "do you still forgive Andrea ?" I said putting my hands on my hips "she was just looking after the group ! She fucking apologised to me what did you want me to say ?" He was staring at me with his intense look "I want you to tell her how much of a nobhead she was and not just forgive her I beat the shit out of her cause I was scared you was dead but you just forgive her and make me look like a twat !" I said going to walk away again but he grabbed my arm and turned me but just stared at me like he wanted to do something I leaned in really wanting to kiss him and he flinched pulling away quickly omg he doesn't even like me anymore I just bit my bottom lip trying to hold my tears in nodded and started walking away "kenz please just wait " ignoring him I was going to his tent to grab my stuff asoon as I got in their I grabbed my bag and started getting my shit together hearing the flap open I ignored him and carry on packing "kenz " I turned "what " I said he gently lifted his hand to my face and wiped my tear that I didn't even no had come out "don't cry please " I just shook my head looking away now I was sobbing "I just wanted you to be on my side Ino I sound so childish but everyone thinks I went to far I just needed you to stick up for me but you didn't ! Now I'm the bad guy even tough she could of killed you !" I ranted on looking up he was inches away from my face "I did stick up for you I told her if she ever shot me again she best pray I'm dead or your not around , I would stand by you even if you was wrong !" He said gently stroking my cheek I can't hold back any more I pulled him to me and we was in a heavy make out session dropping my bag i grabbed his cheeks pulling him more he gripped my hips and pulled my bottom half towards his moaning out loud I couldn't hold it in any more we was both fumbling around feeling all over each other's trying to map out our hole body's pulling away I looked into his eyes "guess we're friends as again " I whispered to scared to talk to loud "thank god !" He said chuckling after witch made me laugh to "you gonna stay here or with Maggie again" he asked "here " I said straight away "okay " he nodded kissing my forehead "hey have you guys seen Lori" I heard from behind me jumping around I put my hand to my chest feeling it nearly fall out if my chest "no-""yea" me and daryl said at the same time both me and carol looked at him seeing if he was going to tell us where and when "she asked me to go or Rick I was still pissed at you so I said no she must of gone her self" he said looking abit hurt after the way he spoke to my mum "what where the hell is my dad and why has my mum gone after him ?!! " I said really confused "your dad went to find hershal Beth's in some kind of shock so he went after hershal to help her and I think your mums gone after him becomes it's been a long time since he went " Carol said to me " Are you serious ,,when !" I said getting pretty angry " quite a while ago " he said back "and she didn't say anything to anyone about leaving ??" I turned and asked carol "well she asked Andrea to look in on Carl for her " dam if I new that bitch was stupid "and she didn't ask her why ! " I said storming out of the tent looking back at Carol she just shook her head  huffing I started running to the house as soon as I got in the house I seen her "REALLY YOU DIDNT THINK HER ASKING YOU FOR ANYTHING WAS SUSPICIOUS ? MY MUM WOULDNT ASK YOU TO PISS ON HER IF SHE WAS ON FIRE !" I screamed Ino I'm being a bitch but she's just so stupid and could get people killed with how stupid she is "I'm sorry she's a fully grown women I have no right getting in her business she asked me to look in on Carl so i said yea I was just trying to help " she said looking hurt erghh I can't keep being this mean looking to daryl he had a sad look in his eyes "I'm sorry Andrea I'm just worried about her it's not your fault I'm really sorry " I said she looked at me like I'd gone crazy "it's-s f-fin-ne " she said stuttering God do i scare her that much nodding at her i watch Shane go out side following him "where are you going ?" I asked following him "to find your mum " he said gritting his teeth "I'm coming with you " I said abit to get in the car "no you hold down the fort here I won't be long okay " he said to me I just nodded and made my way to the house " come on guys everyone in " I said they all piled inside the house "please be okay " I mumbled sitting in a chair near the window "she'll be fine " I heard daryl say then he moved my hair from my shoulder and started leaving little kissed all over it making me forget what was happening tilting my head I granted him more access to my kneck quietly moaning so only he could hear me he moaned to tilting my head back I tried to find his eyes but he wouldn't move his head from my kneck making me chuckle I pushed humid shoulders "how do you do that ?"I asked him in a whisper "do wha ?" He asked me looking straight to my eyes "make me forget " I said me makes me forget everything with just one touch even all the things that are hard to forget "I didnt do anything " he said smirking " you don't have to " I said back witch made him pull a quirky face witch made me belly laugh and I seen something he doesn't do as often as he should he smiled I just stared at him "wha??" He said to me "your so handsome " I said to him witch caused him to blush "(cough cough)" I heard from the door I turned to find Carol again "hey you okay ?" I asked her "yea it's just Shane and your mum are here " she said witch made me jump to my feet I ran to the door and saw my mum running to her "where the hell have you been and what the hell happened to you ?" I asked her she just chuckled "I'm fine baby in fine ,where's your dad ?" She asked me with made me look at her confused she turned to Shane "you son of a bitch you lied YOU LIED !!" She screamed pushing him "I had to get you back here had to make sure the baby was okay !" He said my whole world stopped spinning "your pregnant " I whispered thinking nobody heard me but my mum looked at me with a sad expression "YOUR PREGNANT and you didn't tell me " I screamed at first but then my words faded I felt light headed now I was crying "you told this peace of shit before me " I said out of breath and pointing to Shane "baby just listen please me and your dad wanted to tell you but if just got sidetracked " "you don't sidetrack something like a pregnancy " I said to her "YOUR PREGNANT!" I herd behind me spinning I seen Carl and he ran into the house "you couldn't just leave it alone could you "my mum said to Shane "I had to get you back here Lori I had to " he said to her I ignored them and ran after Carl barging in the house "CARLL Carl where are you bud " I shouted looking in the kitchen then the front room to find him there "hey bud you okay ?" I said sitting down next to him "why didn't she tell me ?" He asked crying "she was just waiting for the right time " I said to him he jumped in my arms and smiled "where gonna have a baby brother kenz " he said getting excited "hell no where having a baby sister " I said witch caused someone behind us to chuckle looking I spotted my mum and everyone else at the door I waved my hand to my mum signalling her over to us she sat on the sofa we both dived on her obviously watching her belly "I love you " I whisper to her "I love you to my baby's " she said back "well we can't go out looking for them in the dark so everyone get a early night and we will go for them at first light okay !" Shane said witch caused everyone to agree and walk of I kissed my mum and Carl in the forehead and walked out to find daryl waiting by the door we walked upon the tent and lay down "so how do you feel about having a new brother or sister ?" Daryl whisper in my ear "pretty good " I said chuckling     "Night kenz" he said to me "night d " I said back and fell into a restless sleep I hope my dad is okay !

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