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"Ergh CAN SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE !" Glenn quickly ran over to help we was all helping move the body's away from camp after me and glen got This fatty to the top of the hill I felt a little faint "Glenn I'm gonna take a minute I feel fait " he grabbed hold of my arm and helped me walk to camp "come on I'll help you " I was getting really warm and i feel seriously sick getting back to camp Glenn sits me under s tree " God kenz how long have you been out in this heat ?" "Glenn will you run and grab me some water and get my dad please ?" He ran off to get me then I just want my dad Ino it's kind of childish to want your parents when your ill but my dad makes me calm down and feel better "here you go-" I threw up everywhere "ergh where's my dad ??" I asked with tears in my eyes throwing up again Glenn comes and rubs my back "hes coming kenz just give him a minute " nodding I tried to stop throwing up but it wasn't working how can a person who had little to eat throw up so much "kenzie are you okay baby girl " yay my dads here "dad I don't feel to good " having a huge coughing fit my dad waited till I finished to help me up "come on baby girl lets get you in the rv daryl will you help me ?" I heard feet pad against the floor I was picked up then my eyes felt so heavy when they opened again the guys was putting me in dale's bed "dad get a bucket quick !!"my dad scurried away and daryl sat in front of me and put his hand on my head "God your burning up don't move okay " nodding I lay completely still when I moved my body would feel like someone was ripping my body apart with a chainsaw daryl came back to me and gently moved my hair over my sounder and out of my face he put a cold cloth on my forehead "erghh what's wrong with me !" I looked up to find Daryl's eyes but they had so many emotions in them the one that was standing out more was worry "oka I'll let you rest" he said and started to get up but I didn't won't him to go so I grabbed his hand "don't leave me please " he nodded and sat back down ,
It had been and hour since dale had give me some medicine and I was feeling better already so I grabbed my sword and then my boots and got up seeing a baseball hat on the side I took it and put it on just as I got out I seen daryl storming away from T Glenn and morelles screaming "y'all had this coming !" Then I spotted Shane storming up to him "we need to end these problems the dead girls and him are a time bomb don't y'all no nothing !" Daryl finished his little rant Shane got in his face nuhuh not happening you silly little prick "SHUT UP MAND SHUT UP " daryl pushed him away so I started jogging up to them "we need to sort this problem out right now " daryl picked up an axe and turned to kill jim wtf what the hell have I missed ? My dad ran over to him and put a gun to his head so I ran over "we don't kill the living " "funny coming from a man who just put a gun to his head !" My dad lowered his gun and turned to me "please put it down daryl and we can all sort this out properly please !" He dropped the axe and turned around "their going to kill us all " was all he said before he walked away " does someone won't to tell my WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON !!!" Glenn walked up to me "Amy's dead but Andrea won't let us near her and she's just about ready to turn and jims been bitten we don't no what to do " oh wow I really need to see Andrea maybe she will let me near her to give her a hug "I'll be right back can everyone try and get along so we an sort this shit out without everyone killing each other ?" All of them looked at me but didn't say anything "Thank you !" Walking away I spot Andrea and jog over to her "Andrea I'm so sorry" I whispered to her she looked up at me and burst out crying "oh babe"I crouched down and give her the biggest hug I could muster up "grrrghhhh" Amy had changed into a walker I stepped back everyone was looking at us and I could see daryl about to come and get me I shook my head at him so he stopped in his tracks and stared at me (BANG) Andrea shot amy reanimated body I couldn't look at this any more I walked away with tears in my eyes getting up near the hill I fell to the floor crying my best friend is dead she's gone ! Putting my head on my knees I couldn't help the sob the was coming out of my mouth after it was out their was no stopping it "(sobbing,sniffling,coughing) "
I felt two legs come around and lie against my thighs I felt a hand grip my hip and another one rub my back I took my head from my knees and looked around to find the one person I never thought I would see daryl "what are you doing all the way up here ??" I asked still sniffling he kept looking from my eyes to my lips "I didn't won't you to be up here crying on your own and everyone seemed to think leaving you alone would be better but I didn't so here I am " after his little rant I looked at his lips and back to his eyes when I looked back to his eyes and he was looking at my lips so I started to lean in and what surprised me so did he I rested my forehead on his and closed my eyes leaning in that little bit more our lips touch I felt electricity run trough my lips to my body pushing my lips to his a bit more I turned around and put my hands on his shoulders I was on my knees in between his legs while his hands had crept under my tee pulling away and looking into his eyes "well that was unexpected haha " he chuckled "I just wanted to see if you felt the same " I looked down to his lips and just wanted to kiss him one last time so I did I wanted to savour this moment forever I felt his tongue poke at my lip so I let it in slowly are tongues massage together we pulled away i was breathless and panting "your not a bad kisser mr Dixon " he chuckled " maybe we should get back or someone might come looking for you " nodding I started to get up when we was both stood up I wrapped my arms around his knack and his went round my waist under my tee I rolled on to my tip toes and kissed him "one for the road " and then I let go and walked down the hill with him following getting to everyone Glenn walked up to me and give me a cuddle " we're going to start burying them now are you ready ?" "Thanks Glenn and yea lets go " turning to see daryl gone already
After the burial everyone was stood in a circle near the cars "okay we have a decision to make we can go to fort benny and try find this army camp or we can go to the CDC and see if their can be a cure for jim maybe we can save his life ?" My dad finished his speech waiting for everyone to say something "I think CDC is the best bet it's closer and it's giving jim a bit of hope so I won't to go to the CDC so yea " I finished I just won't to give Jim a chance after I said that everyone else chose the CDC to apart from Shane but he's just a wanker anyway so nobody really cares "okay everyone get your things were moving out !" My dad said then everyone started to break away "WAIT we're not going with you we got family in Birmingham were gonna see if we can get to them it's the best for my family " morelles said "are you sure you only got your self no one to help protect you " he nodded "we've all talked about it it's best for my family " "okay then we'll we wish you the best and stay safe " "you to " after my dads and morelles conversation I walked over to his wife and give her a hug and wished them all look in finding their family
After we packed up everything people was getting in their cars "wonna ride with me ? "Turning to find daryl I looked up and smiled "yea course I will " he nodded and made his way to the truck we both got in and made are way to the CDC looking out the window watching the world just go by I felt a hand grip my thigh looking over to him he wouldn't take his eyes off the road aww he was nervous I got tingles all the way trough my body after getting over my school girl fantasy I watched the world go by for a bit longer we pulled to a stop I looked up and we was here everyone started getting out their cars opening my door I grabbed my shit before emerging from the truck getting out the smell was disgusting wtf is that "ergh what the hell is that smell" I said to daryl he just srugged and give me a do-rag "thanks" we all started jogging up to the entrance but the shutters were down my dad started getting angry and banging on the shutters "we need help please we have children " my dad started screaming Shane was trying to get him to leave but my dad wasn't budging I was looking around for some sign that their was someone in their just as I spotted the camera move so did my dad"it moved the camera it moved !!""your seeing things Rick it's lost we need to go ""he isn't seeing things I seen it to" ignoring me Shane carried on screaming at my dad he carries on an gonna go mad ! After that everyone started getting agitated "walkers !!"daryl screamed me and T come to the front and started  shooting them "we need to go this is a dead end you brought us to a grave yard " daryl screamed Shane got in his face "shut up we made a diction you hear me SHUT UP !" I walked over and grabbed Shane by his collars "carry on shouting at people thinking your the big man and I'll kick your nuts up into your throat !YOU HEAR ME !!!" He just gulped and started walking away to grab my dad I was about to go after him when arms wrapped around my wait "YOUR KILLING US YOUR KILLING US !!" My dad was screaming as Shane was dragging him away just as daryl was turning me around the shutters open and all I seen was white !!

Rick Grimes Bad Ass Daughter - A Daryl Dixon LoveStoryWhere stories live. Discover now