it's never gonna be over its time we end it once and for all

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Waking up I walked down stairs everyone was their my dad was even their "morning " I said and my dad looked at me and smiled I stole a quick glance a daryl after are convocation  yesterday I didn't no how to act ino he still wants to be friends it's just hard when ino I love him and he loves me he just doesn't want to ruin it "now everyone is hear we need to talk when I had the meeting with the governor he said the only way he would leave us alone is if we give him michonne  (he glanced over at michonne and she nodded like she was okay with it and I was ready to do that to save us merle was going to help but by the time I changed my mind merle had already took her to make the trade but he also had a change of heart and let her go to take the governor on alone he didn't make it and we all no this guy's capable of anything I belive he's gonna be bringing some vengeance back here as we already no he's not bothered if he has to kill one of us he killed Oscar and axel ino they wasn't fully one of us but they helped us and that will not go unpaid we need to make the decision if we're going to stay and fight or leave !"he said everyone looked around "you have an hour to decide we will meet back here in 1 hour " he said walking away I followed him once he was out side I shouted him "dad wait up !!" He stopped and turned to me "is have a good idea we don't have to leave " I said and nodded to the guard tower I wanted to make sure no wine was watching or listening I wasn't worred about my group I was worred the governors men was watching us waiting to pounce once we was inside he stopped and looked at me "we have smoke bombs we have fire crackers let's make them think we left and when their looking for us we come out of no where and scare the shit outta them while their running we follow then they won't be ready to fight when we get to them !" He smiled and nodded

Everyone was packing I was sorting out Judy we packed everything up into one car Carl Judy beth and hershal was getting out of hear we didn't no if my plan would work but we new they would be safe if they was far away from hear they was are only problem putting Judy in her car seat I took her to the car I came to a stop seeing Carl going mad at our dad "this isn't fair let me help I can help yous !!" He screamed at my dad I walked into view and Carl looked at me "kenzie tell dad let me come with you !!" My dad looked at me then I ignored them both and put Judy in the car then walked to them " we need to to look after Judy beth and hershal Carl we don't need you hear we need you their your brave and can look after them please don't fight us on this just help us help them okay Judy needs you okay !!" I said and he nodded but huffed and walked away my dad looked at me "thank you he listens to you " he said putting his hand on my shoulder I smiled "he reminds me of me when I was younger I never listened to mum she hated it haha she always told you to tell me she thought I hated her the thing was I loved her more than anything and I never told her but belive me dad Carl loves you and he listens he just wants to feel more needed just like I did he'll get their don't worry " I said and patted his shoulder and kissed his cheek and walked away

I was now in a black room in the tombs crouched down in the corner staring at daryl who was crouched in the other corner I heard the gate slam open and loads of feet shuffle forward the  I hear his voice the governor I couldn't quite hear what he was saying but I new he was their daryl then shuffled and Caught my attention and hook his head he new full well I was just gonna walk out and shoot them all but he calmed me I nodded back hearing them all walk passed we waited for the signal witch was a smoke bombs and fire crackers to be settling of the when we hear them Come back are was setting more of for Glenn and Maggie to finish off then we heard it the bang and the crackers then heard screaming and foot steps running are was daryl nodded I pulled the pin on the smoke bombs and through it out my door it blew up and then daryl threw his cracker they ran straight to Maggie and Glenn after a few minutes everything was quite me and daryl made are way to Glenn and mags getting out side they was cheering and jumping up and down then Made their way to us smiling I screeched and jumped on daryl smiling and laughing "we did it !!!!!" He tensed up and the I realised he would feel awkward we called it quits so as quick as I was in his arms I was out of them and looked away to see Maggie running to me so I ran to her and we hugged I was happy my dad came out "dad it's never gonna be over its time we finish it once and for all !"I sad a determined look on my face and he nodded "me and mags will stay back with Carol hershal beth Carl and Judy you guys go finish this " Glenn said I nodded "michonne you in? ?" I said smirking at her " try and stop me !!!"

We was speeding down the road when we come across the Woodbury abandoned truck climbing out of are truck I seen something I wish I didn't dead bodies everywhere he killed his on people and left them he's crazy I walked past the front of the truck when I heard a bang I jumped and ducked wtf was that turning around i seen a lady with her hand up I opened the door for her to get out "what happened hear ?" I asked her and she cried "he killed them all he killed them all " he said sobbing "why would he do that ?"I said and she looked at me "he said we was cowards because we wouldn't go back we was fighting a war we didn't want and he killed them for it !!" She said I nodded "come with us " I said pulling her arm to the truck we got to Woodbury and was hiding behind a car trying to figure away in without getting caught when a man and and women started shooting at us then Karen we come to no the lady as jumped up "tyrees it's me Karen " the shooting stopped "KAREN WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THEM WHERE'S THE GOVERNOR !" He sorted back she jumped out from behind the car even with my ads protesting "they saved me he killed them all he kill everyone " she said chocking up again then my dad started going out putting his gun down daryl shook his head and grunted but he went anyway then I followed then michonne then daryl did "we thought he might of come back here so we could finish this !" I said to him then the gates opened and in we walked after much negotiating the woodberians agreed to come with us well the did think we was the enemy but Karen ty and sasha finally talked sense into them we pulled up to the prison with a van full of food and a van full of people and 3 cars loads of guns we was home and we got rid of the threat and we've now made are family bigger maybe we will be okay maybe this will be are home till we die now I was hoping this what it would be like but nothings ever that easy getting of the bike I walked up to mags and Glenn "what's happening? "The both asked "their moving in with us were gonna make this out home the governor left and killed half of his own people we need to help them now " I said patting the shoulder and walking inside this isn't gonna be easy but it's worth it 😁

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