7months after the farm

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We've been on the road since the farm it's been hectic but we've had to keep going my mums about ready to have the baby and we're trying to find a place we can stay so she doesn't have to have the baby ,me my dad daryl Carl T Glenn and Maggie was huddled round the car bonnet looking at the map while hershal my mum and Carol was in the car and Beth and Carl was standing guard "maybe if we circle back we can pick through hear again " I heard my dad say coming out of my haze "we've spent all winter tuning trough these town eventually this heard and this heard are going to join and we're going to be cut of in any direction we go dad " I said because I new no one else would say anything about it "what are we supposed to do let her give birth on the side of the road ?"he said getting pissed my dad has had a lot on his shoulders the past few months and I hate seeing him breaking "do you see away around that ?"I mumbled "there's a place for us I no their is we just have to find it kenz it's out their " he said getting upset "Ino okay we will go back trough here pick through get anything we can and harbour down till mum gives birth ,,okay?" He just nodded "hey while we wait can we fill up on water ?"T asked my dad nodded and him Glenn and Maggie ran to the cars to fetch the bottles "hey while the others wash their panties lets go hunting " daryl said i thought he was talking to me but when I looked up he was looking at my dad they did their little silent communication then my dad turned to me "stay on look out okay " I nodded back and they wondered of walking over to a log at the side off the road I sat down I don't no how long we're gonna last doing this we all let are selfs get stupid we thought the farm was safe that nothing could break us but when it did we wasn't ready we had no supplies no nothing hardly any fuel and now where stuck out hear with a pregnant women and old man and a little kid it Gotta get better something good has got to happen to us otherwise I don't now how long we will last if it doesn't looking up I spot Carol helping my mum out of the car getting up I dusted my bum of and walked over to them "what are you doing ?"I asked her "I can't sit in their any longer my legs are cramping and I need to stretch them " she said looking like she was in so much pain "okay let me help you " I walked over and wrapped my arm around her waist and put hers over my shoulder "I'm pregnant not dieing kenz " she looked at me then chuckled "yea your pregnant and should take it easy " I said to her chuckling to then the trees rustled and I grabbed my gun aiming it with one hand to the part where the trees rustled waiting for the walker all of a sudden T bursts trough the trees and looked straight at me "I didn't do it " he said smirking "ha ha very funny I could of killed you " I said to him witch caused him to shake his head and me to put my gun away "come one lets get you back to the car " I said and she complied witch shocked me leaving my mum I walked to the front car and sat in the bonnet waiting for my dad and daryl then the bushes rustled again and I pulled my gun up aiming it their and slowly getting of the bonnet creeping over then daryl popped out which caused me to lower it and smile "you guys got to see this " my dad said out of breath what the hell is going on ?

They found a prison that we could take over and finally be safe and protected we was all now gathered round the fence near a guard tower "kenz watch the back " my dad said to me after we had cut through the fence we was all running down to the gate that we could get into "we take out these walkers we could have this prison by tonight " my dad said to us all "but weve got to get that gate closed "he said "I'll go I'm the fastest "Glenn said making us all look at him "no suicide run " Maggie said grabbing his arm in a death grib "no I'll go I'm faster I'll go " I said to them all making my mum dad and daryl look at me weird "we can argue about this all day or I can just go and do it and we can be in their in a few minutes "I said looking at them but my eyes lingered on daryl he looked at me and shook his head "I can do this okay I'll be fine just lets do this " I said again my dad finally nodded and give me the ties to tie up the fence to stop the walker "be carful ,okay hershal Carl this tower daryl go back to that tower Carol you've become a pretty good shot you go with him the rest of us will make as much noise as possible draw them to the fences pick them off that way and kenz will run for the gate " my dad said I was waiting near the fence for the go a head with my mum who was opening it for me "you come back you hear me you come back !"she said in her serious tone I just nodded then she opened the fence I was running as fast as I could with my sword drawn and cutting the head of any walker that got to close all of a sudden the ground beneath my feet was shot I looked up to see Carol "SORRY " she sad I just carried in running getting to the second get a walker was just about to come out so I ran and booted it back in grabbing the fence i pulled it across and locked it in place turning around a walker was right infront of me (bang ) it fell to the ground I looked up again to find daryl re loading his gun I quickly ran to the tower next to me and got inside it was pitch black but I just ran up the stairs banging through the door I pulled the gun out of my belt and aimed "light it up " I heard daryl shout everyone started shooting and one by one they all fell down I shot my last bullet and it all went quite "we did it "I whispered to my self with the biggest grin on my face quickly running down the stair bursting through the door everyone was already in the yard I looked for my dad and walked to him "maybe mum can have the baby hear " I said to him"yea " was all he said my dads been acting so weird since the hole farm thing but in just trying to give him his space this will be good for us we can make this work we have to

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