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Riding on the back of Daryl's bike we was making are way on the highway coming to a slow stop I picked my head over the shoulder of Daryl's shoulder to see the highway was packed up their was cars tipped over daryl turned around to the guys "do you see away around ?" Dale said daryl nodded and we started slowly making are way trough the cars when the rv started making a weird noise and then it banged and stopped moving daryl pulled up "I told you didn't I tell you dead in the water " dale said to us all "their a problem dale ?" Shane said "the small matter of being stuck in the middle of no fuel no hope of -ok that was dumb " "if we can't find a radiator hose hear-" "theirs a hole bunch of things we can find " daryl said"syfen some more fuel from these cars " T said "maybe some water food " carol said "this is a grave yard -I don't no how i feel about this " my mum said everyone got really quite "alright come on guys lets go " we all walked off rummaging through cars I walked far away from the rest I was getting real angry real quick and we had nothing for my head ace and I still had blood all over my face from the wound " yo Kenz come here " T said walking over he was putting a pipe in the fuel tank on a car " I'll show you how to do this come here - okay first make sure your pipe touches the bottom of the tank then suck on the pipe till you feel suction and then when you think it's nearly at the top let it go and put it into the container you get all that ?" Nodding I took the pipe and container from him and got to work when I felt like it was close enough to the top I pulled away and aimed it at the container and bam the fuel was coming out "haha I did it ,I did it wooho haha" laughing and cheering I was over the moon I did it "thanks T that might just come in handy one day " "your welcome " giving him back the container "okay I'm gonna see if I can find anything else " nodding I started walking walking away going to thing whit pick up truck piping the boot I found some knifes and some food putting them all in my bag I turned around to see dale panic and start to lie die what the fuck then I seen them millions of walker fuck crouching I started to run to find T but he wasn't where I left him maybe he seen them too then I heard a bang I ran towards it and spotted T on the floor crouch running over "are you okay ?" I whispered nodding then all off a sudden I hear a crunch turning I see a walker with Daryl's knife plunged in the back of his scull letting it go he shushed up and grabbed T's feet and lay him down and threw a dead bodie over him the he came to me "don't leave me " I whispered again just nodded and grabbed two walkers threw one on me and one on him self turning his face to me and holding his finger to his mouth I kept eye contact the hole time he made me feel calm after a few minutes the walkers past so we got up and threw the walker of T I pulled the doe-rag out of Daryl's pocket and rapped it round his arm Jesus this is bad this is real bad then daryl picked him up and started carrying him to where we left the van "arghhhggggg" I heard a little girl scream sprinting forward I heard daryl shout me ignoring him I carried on going and seen Sophia being chased into the woods by 2walkers running as fast as j could into the woods j tried to follow her tracks fuck this is hard running a little bit faster if that was possible I ran straight into someone "argghh" I covered her mouth "shhh it's just me okay it's just me " grabbing her and making a run for it shit shit shit shit I made my way to the river and hided her "okay stay here I'll be back in a minute okay " " nonono please don't leave me " she was crying "Sophia I've got to get them away they don't get winded I do just please wait here okay if I'm not back in 10 minutes make you way back to the highway back up their keep the sun in your left shoulder okay " she nodded " okay squeeze in their real tight I'll be back okay " then I heard them "come on fresh meat COME ON !!" One of them fell into the water the other was making its way around walking out of the water I hid behind a tree and brought out my samurai sword and stabbed it in the head the I sliced the others head of quickly making sure I didn't drop anything j made my way back to the water WHAT THE FUCK WHERES SOPHIA running back the way we can I started running Up to the highway "where is she where is Sophia ?" They all looked at me "FUCKKKKKK!" Now I was in the floor crying my dad came up and sat in front of me "dad I told her to go to the highway so when I got back to where I left her she was gone I tought she was here they was on are tail dad I couldn't do anything but hide her she's gone where is she " I rambled crying my eyes out "come on princess lets get you up go lay down in the rv daryl Shane Glenn I need you to come with me let find her " pulling my arm from his grasp "what the hell do you mean lay down that little girl is out there and it's all my fault not a chance in hell and I laying down till she's home with us her family do you under stand me !" I said to my dad storming standing next to daryl waiting for the others
"Hey short round why don't you step of to one side your mucking up the trails " daryl said to Glenn "maybe she don't no her left from her right man " "Shane she understood me fine !" I spat at him This pricks getting on my nerves "kids scared kenz you have to think how much of what you said stuck "SHE UNDERSTOOD ME FINE !!" He just looked away "She did what you told her made her way back to the high way got clean tracks right here " thank god "come on " he give me his hand to help me out of the water "where gonna find her okay we are " he said that me after I was out the water "Ino I won't stop till I do " I ripped my hand out of his hand and walked away standing behind daryl while he tracked her foot prints I was getting so worried I hope she's okay "she was doing just fine till here she veered of that way " "did something spook here walker or something ?" I asked really panicking " I don't see any tracks apart from hers " shit! "Okay Shane Glenn and kenzie make your way back up to the highway get people moving cars or something while me and daryl follow her tracks some more " " don't worrie man I'll keep em busy " " hell no I going back no chance I'm not stoping till k find her !" He nodded at me "baby girl it will be better for you to be up their please you can keep them all calm they listen to you please I'm begging you to go help them up their please for me ?" Maybe I will be more help up their "okay but please bring her home please" I said getting chocked up my eyes started filling up my dad dragged me into a hug "I promise you I'll do everything I can to bring her home okay " nodding into his shoulder he let me go and give me a kiss on my forehead "I love you princess" " love you to pops " walking back to the highway I stayed quite how could I do this that little girl is out their all on her own getting up to the top I walked up to carol "carol im so sorry " she put her hand up to quite me "I don't won't to hear what your gonna say I really don't " she got up and walked away my tears started coming and their was nothing I could do to stop him "baby don't cry you no I hate seeing you cry " my mum come and put her arms around me "mum it's my f-fault s-she's out their b-becouse o-f m-e !!" Now I was full on sobbing "mum if anything happens to her I'll never forgive m-myself " she squeezed me tighter "nothing gonna happen to her baby now how's about you come help us move some cars maybe it will help you calm down abit yea??" Nodding I got up wiping my eyes and walking over to the other " why are we here moving cars when my daughter is still out their ?" We all stopped j couldn't look at her "we need to make a clear path for us to get out of here " " where not going anywhere with out my daughter " " that goes without saying " my mum said to her "Rick and daryl their on It right it's just a matter of time " she said holding her shoulder she nodded at him "can't be soon enough for me I'm still shaken up by that herd that passed us by or what ever you call it " Andrea said "yea what was that all off them marching along like that ?" Glenn asked "yea a herd sound about right " I can't listen to this I need to get away their just stood around moving cars while I lost a little girl in the wood what kind of monster am I after I wondered for a bit night started to fall so I made my way to everyone else just as I got their daryl and my dad started climbing up the cliff " you didn't find her ?" Carol started to panic "her trail went cold we will pick it up again at first light " my dad said I can't take it this is my fault all my fault what have I done I fell to the floor hyperventilating T-dog knelt down and was rubbing my back "you can't leave my daughter out in the wood alone she's only a child she's only a child " "hunting in the darks no good we'd just be tripping over are selfs more people get lost " " but she's twelve she can't be out their on her own you didn't find anything " "Ino this is hard but I'm asking you not to panic we no she was out their " "and we tracked her for a while " daryl finished my dads sentence "we need to make this an organised effort daryl nows the woods better than anyone I've asked him to over see this " I got up and wiped my eyes slowly making my way toward the group so I could here better "is is that blood ?"carol asked my dad and daryl looked at each other with pained looks on their face "we took down a walker " "walker ?" "There was no sign that he was anywhere near Sophia " carol looked like she was about to pass out "how can you no that ?"Andrea asked them my dad looked at daryl "we cut the sum-bitch open made sure " daryl said carol sat down on the railing breathing heavy then she looked straight at me"how could you just leave her out their to begin with " a lump formed in the back of my throat "how could you just leave her !" " those to walkers was on us I-I had to draw them off it was are best chance-e" tears form again "sounds like she didn't have a choice carol " my dad said "how is she supposed to make her way back on her own she's just a child she's just a child !" Now I was full blown crying "it was my only option it was the only choice I could make I'm sorry I'm so sorry " I said "my little girl got left in the woods ""I'm sorry " walking away back to T's truck and cryed to my self what have I done
Waking up in the morning my head hurt like a bitch walking over to everyone we was all getting ready to go out for Sophia I just wanted to avoid carol I don't won't to make her U.K. Set any more than she already is walking over to the car i heard Andrea speak up "what about the guns these aren't the type of weapons we need " "we've been over that ,Rick and I are carrying can't have people piping of rounds every time a tree rustles " " it's not the trees I'm worried about "" say someone fires at the wrong moment like a herd happens to be passing trough you see that game over for all of us so you need tak veg over it " Shane said back to her she turned around and barged into me "listen I may not be everyone's favourite person right now but I'll be damed if I let some stupid bitch walk all over me touch me again and having a gun is gonna be the lasts of your fucking worries " barging past her I made my way up to daryl fuck this shit I already feel like shit i don't need no one else to help me feel worse than i already do "the idea is to take the creek up about 5 miles go il come back down besides the chances are she'll be by the creek it's her only land mark " daryl said "stay quite stay sharp keep a few feet between you but always stay in sight of each other "my dad said to us all we was stood by the woods when Andrea walked up to dale "don't put me in this position Andrea " he said shaking his head "I'm not going out their with out my gun-" she said to him but he just ignores her "what do you think I'm gonna do Dale put it in my mouth and pull the trigger the minute you give it to me - I wanted to stay I wasn't hurting anybody that was my choice you took that away from me Dale " she said looking like she was about to cry "I save y-your life " "ha no i saved yours I didn't want your blood on my hands that's the only reason I didn't stay I wanted to die my way not to be torn apart by drooling freaks you took my choice away Dale ! Just leave me alone I'm not your wife I'm not your daughter and I sure as hell ain't your problem !" She screamed at him before walking away this bitch is wishing she was dead while we have a little girl who's lost in the woods ergh she's getting on my nerves the ungrateful bitch !

Rick Grimes Bad Ass Daughter - A Daryl Dixon LoveStoryWhere stories live. Discover now