Starclan's chosen.

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" All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath highrock for a clan meeting!" Bramblestar howled out to the clan, but there was no need, they already had gathered in the clearing because of the shimmering signs above Cloudpaw's and Opalpaw's heads.

" Kestrelpaw, Brokenpaw, Flashpaw, step forward!" He ordered the apprentices.

" Robinswoop, has Kestrelpaw learned the skills necessary to be a warrior?" Bramblestar asked.

" Yes, Bramblestar!" Robinswoop purred happily.

" Then, Kestrelpaw, from this day forth you shall be known as, Kestrelcall, Starclan honors you for your kindness and loyalty, and I commend you as a full warrior of Thunderclan."

" Kestrelcall, Kestrelcall!" The clan cheered.

" Venomeyes, has Brokenpaw learned the necessary skills to proceed as a warrior?" Bramblestar asked.

" Indeed!" Venomeyes meowed solemnly, her tail flicking.

" Brokenpaw from this day forth you shall be known as Brokenpath, Starclan honors you for your skills and will to survive." Bramblestar announced.

" Brokenpath, Brokenpath!" The clan welcomed their new warrior, and Cloudpaw thought she saw a glint of happiness in her remaining eye, a very rare emotion for Brokenpath.

" Heartfall, has Flashpaw learned the skills and talents necessary to continue as a warrior?"  Bramblestar questioned.

" Yes!"  Heartfall purred to the clan.

" Flashpaw, from now on, you shall be known as Flashwind, Starclan honors your loyalty and courage.

" Flashwind! Brokenpath! Kestrelcall! Flashwind! Brokenpath!" Kestrelcall!" The clan cheered, welcoming the new warriors into the clan with open paws.

" You shall sit vigil together on the top of the ravine all night long, but not before you have some fresh-kill." Bramblestar meowed and clambered down the side of the highrock.

As the warriors drifted through the crowd towards the freshkill pile, the clan congratulated them.

" Welcome to the warriors, Brokenpath." Deepcloud purred and nuzzled up next to the scarred she-cat, and Cloudpaw could see them clearly as potential mates.

Suddenly Hollowclaw burst into the clearing.

" It's Frostpaw! Frostpaw is dead!"

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