" Cats of Thunderclan, the ancient stories of wolves have come true, recently one of these huge canines was spotted in our territory by Dovewing and Ivypool, as well as their apprentices." Bramblestar announced.
" Wolves!?" Brightheart panicked, " What if they come to camp?"
" They won't get nearly that far, Brightheart!" Cloudtail, growled and wrapped his soft white tail about his mate.
" I haven't seen wolves since my upwalkers left!" Purdy whined and unsheathed his claws.
" HIDE THE KITS." Daisy screeched as she curled all of her tiny little bundles of fur close and arched her back, hissing.
" Cats of Thunderclan, calm yourselves! No other wolves have been scented on our side of the border, this individual must be traveling alone." Bramblestar shouted above the frightened cats.
The whole clan exhaled with a sound like howling wind. It was broken only by a wail of Daisy's daughter, Dawnkit.
" I'll shred any wolf who comes within a mile of me!" Dawnkit shrieked as loud as she could.
The clan broke into panicked laughter, and tension crackled in the air about them.
" I don't want anyone worried, the wolf is ALONE, his pack is probably good and dead, killed by the twolegs most likely. Also, the gathering is tonight so we will soon know if the other clans have done anything about the wolf situation." Bramblestar soothed his frightened clan.
" Blackstar, you should share your clan's news first." Mistystar mewed to the other leader.
"Fine." The white tom-cat growled. " A wolf, a female wolf, was nosing about our territory earlier today, her eyes were brown and her pelt was a pale yellow, like sand."
The whole island seemed to gasp, fear spreading like a virus, and whispers echoing through all the terrified clan cats.
" We... also scented wolf in our territory" Onestar commented quietly.
" Same here, Bramblestar, what about you? Did you see any wolves?" Mistystar queried.
" Ye..." Bramblestar began, but he was cut off by a rustling in the bushes behind him.
" Hello, forest cats." A smooth female voice barked from in the brambles. " I see that my scouts did not hide as well as I would have preferred them to." the she-wolf snarled, it was directed at the four other canines behind her, they whimpered and sunk farther back into the bushes. " Please pardon me, my name is Molly, behind me are, Wendel, Kayli, Scott, and Brynn. We are wolves,as you may have noticed, and we have come with a proposal."
" What would that be?" Blackstar growled.
" We demand rights to all of your hunting grounds," Molly smirked as she spoke." We will hunt the bigger prey, and you can stick to your mice and voles."
" Why should we let you hunt in our territory," Onestar hissed his tail puffing out and his back arched.
" Because if you refuse, you will be annihilated." Molly barked smoothly.
Suddenly clouds coated the moon and rain began to pour opon the clearing.
" Now," Molly growled, " Why don't you let that roll around in your head before you decide to die." And with that she left.
" Cats of all clans, this gathering is over, untill the next full moon, may Starclan light your path." Blackstar meowed.

Thunder and lightning: Warrior cats
Fiksi PenggemarCloudsplash only wants grow up, and live a normal life, unfortunately, wolves have come to the forest and it is her destiny to save Thunderclan from chaos. If you want a cat, just ask in the comments. Tell me what you want it to look like and the in...