The first thing Cloudkit could remember was the soft fuzz of her brothers and sister as she squirmed in the nursery. She mewed feircly and swung her small white paws in the air, swiping at a loose frond with her claws. Her sister's meow startled her and she squeaked indigniantly. Frostykit tried to paw at her flicking blue-gray tail with her silver paws, but Cloudkit rolled over and moaned at her tiny sister, who mewed loudly enough to awaken their pretty silver mother, Glittercloud.
"Oh my sweet little kittens," she purred. " you are everything to me."
" Glittercloud, am I included in your everything?" Robinswoop, the father of her kits meowed.
" Of course, darling." She whispered in his ear.
Glittercloud reached down and nosed at the tiny gray tom who slept soundly in the nest. He squealed and buried himself under the reeds.
" Graykit, get out of there, come back to the nice warm nest!" She giggled as she gently pawed the ash-colored tom out from under the nest, and began to clean the muck from his long fur.
" MOM, Graykit took my mouse!" Frostkit whined.
" Graykit, is this true?"
" NO, well, runts like her don't need to eat as much as warriors like me," He growled In responce.
" Graykit! I don't want to hear you say that ever again, do you understand?" She snarled at her kit, with sudden, steely fury in her voice.
" Y-yes mama." Graykit mewed.
" Good," his mother growled and stalked back to her den, " Now remember, today is your ceremony as apprentices, so get that mud out of your fur Willowkit!
Cloudkit moaned and shook clump of fur from her pelt.
" good, warriors don't want to look as if they just rolled in dirtplace!" Robinswoop laughed.
" Dad!" CLoudkit swung a paw at his snout playfully.
" Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath highrock for a clan meeting!" Bramblestar meowed from the center of camp.
The kits came barreling out of the nursery, tripping over tails and sticks as they hurtled toward highrock.
" Graykit, Frostkit, Willowkit, step forward." the tabby-tom meowed from highrock.
The kits shoved past one-another to get to the leader.
" Graykit do you promise to uphold the warrior code, even at the cost of you life?"
" I do!" he meowed, energry crackeled in his pelt.
" Birchfall, you will mentor graypaw, I ask you to pass your speed and carefully planning onto this apprentice."
the two cats touched noses an sat in the crowd.
" Dovewing, you will mentor Frostpaw, pass your extreme alertness and strength onto your apprentice." He meowed.
" And lastly Ivypool, you will mentor Cloudpaw, pass your strength speed and courage onto this young cat."
" Cloudpaw, Graypaw, Frostpaw!" The whole clan cheered.
This was it, they were finally apprentices.

Thunder and lightning: Warrior cats
Fiksi PenggemarCloudsplash only wants grow up, and live a normal life, unfortunately, wolves have come to the forest and it is her destiny to save Thunderclan from chaos. If you want a cat, just ask in the comments. Tell me what you want it to look like and the in...