Just A Dream

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Death its so silent and peaceful its way better than living no stress no pain no anything I like being dead - Ny'lah Jones

Living is to hard I like death there's not much of a fight because there's nothing worth fighting for - K'lynn Davis

K'lynn P.O.V

"Miss. Davis , Miss. Davis Wake up the principle wants you" Who is this talking I shouldn't here anything I'm dead

"K'lynn wake up" I heard ny'lah say and I opened my eyes

"what happened " I asked ...was I in heaven

"ugh we was fighting Yasmin an Jordan and we got sent to the office and you fell asleep after we put our names in for that mindless behavior contest you've been sleep for like 2 hours now" wait whats going on

"no no no no where's Chris brown and mindless behavior and derrick rose"I said

"ummm Chris is probably on tour , mindless behavior is probably some where chilling and derrick is probably getting ready for a game" she said looking confused

"wait hold up" I said and I pulled up her shirt the words "Derrick's forever" weren't there wait was all of that a dream?

"if you wanna she my sexy body all you have to do is ask" ny'lah said

"ny'lah do you have AIDS " I asked whispering

"What!? no I'm still virgin ....k'lynn what's going on" but i didnt say anything...

that's when I realized everything was a dream going on tour with mindless behavior, Chris hitting me, Derrick rapping ny'lah none of it really happened it was all a dream it was all in my head

"K'lynn you OK" ny'lah asks and that's when I nodded saying yea and the school bell rung and we left and went to ny'lah's house she asked me to go get her laptop when I was walking out her room my phone buzzed

TheOfficialMindlessBehavior messaged you:

Hey we picked you as the winner of our contest congrats!

and that when I thought 'oh god not again' ....I replied to the message

"Thanks ! my name is k'lynn" and they replied back

"we know that from your kik name 'HiItsK'lynn"

"well you know my name .......Kik Me"

I laughed at my response and laid on ny'lah's bed and turned on 'don't wake me up' by Chris brown and the words were true because sometimes our worst nightmares can be our most best dreams and no matter how bad my nightmare was I would go back to sleep a million times just so I can have it back

And just a word of advice be careful what you do because just like me kik message can turn your life all the way around.....I learned that the hard way

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