One: Never Too Late

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Song above is Never Too Late by Three Days Grace

Pic is Aaron

Pic is Aaron

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Aaron's POV

I inspect the work that needs to be done to maintain the faulty machine before collecting my pen and paper to draft the procedures. I do this all the time when I know I won't be able to be there when the work will be carried out. I have classes to attend from tomorrow morning until late afternoon. I don't have experienced employees that I can just leave them without instructions for the work to be done, so I always do this to help them out.

"Hey boss," I look up when Harry, one of my two employees, calls to me.

"What's up?" I ask while getting up from the floor.

"You have a visitor and I directed him to wait in your office while I get you."

"Okay, I'll be there. Keep them company until I finish up here." I dismiss him and he walks away.

I get back to writing and when I'm done, I pin the paper on the machine before heading to my office. Harry winks at me when he leaves the office and I walk in. I roll my eyes when I see who is in the office and why I got the wink.

"Frederik." I greet the man before me, once I take my seat in the office.

"Hey Aaron." He smiles and instead of sitting in the seat across from me, he plops his butt on the table beside me. I hold in the urge to rash at him as I look up to him.

"How can I help you?" I ask.

"I was thinking about taking you out tonight. You are about to close right? I want to take you to dine and then we can finish off the night by crashing at my place." He smiles while looking at me in expectant.

"I'm sorry, I can't go out with you tonight."

"Why not?"

"I have things to do. I'm busy."

"Who do you think you are to say no to me? I've been patient with you, coming here to ask you out and every time you turn me down I came back. Now this game ends now! Go out there and get yourself out of that dirty overall and in some decent clothes. I'm taking you out." He yells at me. I grit my teeth as I get up from my chair and face him.

"Taking me out? All you want is to get in my pants and you are greatly mistaken if you think I'm gonna let you anywhere near my ass." I snarl and he grips my arm with so much strength that it hurts. "Let me go. Fred you are hurting me." I try to push him away but he adds another force making me yelp in pain.

"Let him go." A deep voice sounds at my office door and I sigh when I see Jake, my other employee, with Harry behind him, standing in the doorway. "Now." He adds and suddenly Fred drops my hand.

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