Eighteen: The Artist

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Klaus's POV

The moment I open my eyes, I look to my left were Aaron is lying, sleeping. He looks so peaceful and I take my time to study his face; lips, nose, eyelids, eyebrows, just everything. He is truly handsome and he's so much better to look upon directly than watching in on someone's sight.

I slip out of bed and quickly dress myself for jogging exercise this morning. I like to start my day this way, after all I've got enough time on me than Cole who has to run up and down through the day sometimes through the night. It's exhausting being a doctor but Cole loves every moment he spends in the hospital.

I put my headsets on and play my favorite playlist. I stretch a bit and then I'm off, my legs remembering where to go. Not so many people likes jogging out, they prefer doing it indoors on treadmills. Unless if they are in their wolf forms, then out it is and they mostly venture out in the evening. I don't like treadmills at all. I love running outdoors as I take in different sights and some I even paint them on my canvases. Talking about painting, I need to paint the view I saw this morning when I woke up.

Aaron is such a beautiful sight wealthy of gazing at him all day. Before, I didn't pay him much thought but now that I know he's someone who's going to be beside us forever, he's all I'm thinking about. I'm worried about him not being accepting when he finds the truth about us. I guess if he rejects us then it wasn't meant to be, weren't meant to be mates.

Seth is a weredragon which is why I took an interest in him. Our relationship was just about sex and I made sure he knew and understood that there wasn't more to it. He was Cole's workmate and for as long as they knew each other, Cole has never showed any interest in Seth. That's why I made sure our relationship wasn't much more than physical.

I slow down my pace before stopping completely. My T-shirt tears as I shift to my dragon form. I grow three inches taller, my muscles get bulkier and my wings protrude from my back. My eyesight gets better, my nose taking in new scents and my ears a lot bigger than before. After my change finishes, I take flight.

I love this part of my life when I am up so high, feeling the wind in my face and relaxed. And things look better up here than down there. Something that isn't worth to look at, up here it is such a sight. I believe everything is beautiful, you just have to look at it in a certain angle.

I fly around for a bit before taking off to Seth's house. I land on the steps to the front door and swiftly change back, leaving me with just my running shorts on. I knock once before entering just as Seth comes to the door.

"Oh, it's just you." He says then turn around and I follow him to the living room.

Turning around to face me, Seth crosses his arms on his chest and glares at me. "What do you want?"

"To talk."

"As if it wasn't obvious with Cole." He scoffs and sits on his sofa. "What's up with you guys being engaged? What's special about that man and do you have to follow what Cole says? Why can't you choose who you want to be with?"

"I'm sorry that things did not go as you hoped but I already told you we weren't going anywhere-"

"You are being such an ass-"

"-and Aaron is really special. We are not just following Cole but deep down we both know that Aaron is the one for us. He is our choice."

Seth shakes his head in disappointment and stands up. "I thought we had something more but I guess it was wishful thinking on my side. We've talked enough and I've heard you. Please leave my house."

"Thanks for understanding. I'll see you around." I nod at him then make my way back to the front door. I step down the steps before shifting and soaring into the sky, making my way home.

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