Seven: The Awakening

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Cole's POV

I sigh, throwing myself on the couch after a long day from work. Lately I've been feeling tired in every little thing I do. At first I thought whatever it is will pass but after a week now, it's only been getting worse. I pushed myself so much during work and the only break I got, I spent it sleeping.

I don't think I was sleeping when I was home because I'd wake up tired than before. Sometimes I'd wake up from the floor, naked with dirt all over me. Sometimes I'd wake up on the roof of this building in torn clothes that hid nothing at all. Thankfully, it always was early in the morning and I'd go down, back to my apartment without ​meeting anyone. I concluded I was now sleepwalking but that wasn't all.

I've been hearing and seeing things that I'm not supposed to. My sight has been sharpened, to which I can see very little things as if I'm using the microscope or something. I can hear people talking from a distance and being in the hospital has been torture. All this is very irritating, especially when I listen to people having sex, that I wish I could just scream the irritation out of me.

My childhood have not been easy like I had wished it otherwise. I was first diagnosed with bipolar disability but later on I was diagnosed with multiple personality disorder. Apart from me, there are other two individuals who share my body; Nick and Klaus. I didn't like it at first but eventually I got used to them. Sometimes I'd be aware of it when either Nick or Klaus, take over. Sometimes it was like I had blacked out and coming about, which made me wonder if the recent blackouts has been them after all but there is a different. The whole dirty and naked thing confuse me. A thought of it being other new personalities showing up came up in my mind but I blushed it off.

Another new addition to my life is the voices. Apart from hearing things, I've also been hearing two voices in my head and I came to know them as Nick and Klaus. Now they don't just take over my body but they are available in my conscience 24 hours. They bicker back and fourth, almost disturbing me during surgeries. They are loud and very annoying but unfortunately, I can't make them go away. No medicine make them go away and I have a feeling I'll have to adjust to the new changes.

The only change I'm not going to adjust are these blackouts. Today, I woke up naked on the floor, with dirt on me like always but the only difference was that there was not only dirt but blood on me as well. In my work, I see blood all the time that I'd say I'm used to it but this morning I freaked out at the sight of it. I quickly got in shower to clean myself and at the end, I found out it must have not been my blood but someone else's. Nick and Klaus had no idea. I didn't want to go to work but I had two surgeries scheduled which was why I went in today but it is my last day. I booked a ticket for a flight tonight. I'm going back home to my parents. I've had the urge to go home this week and I suppressed it but after this morning, I gave in. Some things are better to deal with family than alone.

"Hello Cole. I just called to say hi. I hope you are okay. I'd love it if you will call me back. Anyway, enjoy your day."

That is the first voice message on my phone which is from Aaron. He's been calling and I've been busy with my messed up life to acknowledge any of it. I just find missed calls, voicemails or text messages and the worse thing is that I don't find time to reply or call him back. I just hope he's doing fine.

"Son, your mother and I, will be waiting for your arrival. I'm glad you are coming home even it's just for a few days, it means a lot to us. Have a safe flight."

I smile, hearing my dad's voice. I've really missed him and mum.

I get off the couch and take a bath to get rid of the sleepiness in me. I already packed a bag, so after the bath, I get dressed and make sure I've got everything before taking my leave. A taxi drives me to the airport and I debate on either calling Aaron back or not. I decide not to call him since I'll be back in a few days and I'll sort everything out then.

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