Two: See You Again

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After the long hours spent shopping, Jessie takes me to his house for us to get ready for the party. Even if I insisted for him not to, he bought me some clothes, more than necessary because I'm sure I can't wear all that just tonight but Jessie insisted and I've learned he doesn't take 'no' for an answer sometimes.

Jessie is an only child and both her parents are CEO's of different companies which makes the possibility of them home very rare. They are always travelling and the rare times they are home, they spent their time answering calls or typing emails. I wish they could have time for Jessie because I know their absence affects him.

"Because of you, I'm no longer alone. Thanks for helping me that day, Arrow."

Jessie had told me that one day, when we were lying on his bed after playing video games. It wasn't simple for him to trust me as his friend after past experiences. People only became his friend just because he was loaded and at first he feared I was the same but after months of being friends, he decided he could trust me with who he was. Now life is good for both of us and if only I could convince him otherwise about partying, things would be better but I'm stuck on good.

"We should get going before we are late." I try urging my friend to stop perfecting everything and leave already but it's like he's not even listening to me.

"You are never late to a party, babe. Besides, being fashionably late is what cool people do and Kai needs to wait for me if he wishes to dance with me." Jessie murmurs while checking his belt and I groan, falling on his huge bed.

I ignore his complaint about ruining my clothes and wait for him to get ready. Almost half an hour passes before he deems himself perfect and we leave the house for the party. It's almost nine pm as we reach the campus where the party is being held. I park the car and we make our way to the dining hall where most of the campus parties are held. I don't know why they abandon the entertainment hall for the dining hall to party in.

We push our way through the drunk dancing students to where the drinks are. Jessie drinks up three of the cups before I even finish my first one. He looks around and I'm guessing for Kai. I decide to help look around and when I look where Jessie stood, I find it empty of said person. I start looking for him, just to know where he is. It takes me some time but I manage to find him dancing with a guy who is clearly not Kai. The guy must have lied to him and left him hopeful but I'm glad he found someone else to dance with. If only I could do the same.

"Fuck off, Cole." Someone shouts loud enough to get everyone's attention and even the DJ stops the music.

I push my way through the people until I reach the commotion. "So what if I cheated on you? This is the twentieth century, Cole, people cheat all the time. Get used to it." The owner of the words, Lucas, frees himself in a man's hold and walk to another.

"Why? Why did you cheat on me." The man, Cole, ask while looking at Lucas hopelessly. His deep voice sounds angry but his eyes says otherwise. I shake my head at his question. You just don't ask your cheating partner of the reasons they cheated. It's stupid.

"You are boring, clingy, Cole. Being with you I felt like I was stuck in the 80s. I had to meet other guys to make sure I was living in the present not past. We are done. If only Nick liked me. The guy knows how to party and have fun but he resents me. And Klaus is better than you. He sure knows how to take care of me in bed unlike your rubbish. So yeah, the other thing is your boring disability." Lucas slurs before kissing the man holding him.

Cole shakes his head before walking out of the hall. I should have known it was Lucas causing the commotion. He's always making it his thing to stand out among people whether in a bad or good way. It's not the first time for him to cheat on his boyfriends. He's the kind of person who doesn't get enough of one but three or four. It doesn't help it that he's got the face and body for a model, other guys don't mind he's cheating on them as long as they are tapping him. I had a crash on him once but his cheating, gold digging and other bad behaviors erased it.

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