Fourteen: I'm Not Ready

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"So, what did you do?" Jessie ask and I shake my head.


It's been a week since I came to this place, a week since I met Cole, a week since we've been living together. I couldn't hold it in and found myself calling Jessie and telling him that once again I've run into Cole. I still haven't told him about the marriage arrangement but since I told him I went to a hospital for treatment and Cole being a doctor, he didn't question much on the possibility of us meeting.

I told him that I met Cole on my first visit at the hospital and I'm to literary spend all my time here with him in the background.

Jessie wants to know what I did when I met Cole and it's true, I did nothing.

Scott stopped me when I attempted to down my third drink in a roll. It didn't take long for Maggie to approach me and introduce me to her son, Nicklaus, and friends. I couldn't even remember who was who, as my attention was sorely on Cole.

I falsely busied myself by jumping to chat to different people and it helped greatly that almost everyone wanted to talk to me about something, anything, to know me.

Thankfully, Cole's friends kept him occupied and away from me. When everything ended, I bid farewell to everyone and took my leave when Russell asked to talk to his son. I immediately ran to the bedroom, changed into my pajamas and slept. By the time Cole came in, I faked being asleep. He even called my name to check if I was awake but my fake snores surely put a damp on his expectations.

Even though it wasn't easy falling asleep with him on the same bed, eventually I slept. By the time I woke up the next day, he had already left for work at the hospital. A note that he had left me was what explained that to me.

So that's basically how the week has gone by. I wake up in the morning with Cole gone and him leaving a note for me. Different from the first one since now I was aware of his whereabouts. These notes were mostly about him asking how my night was and that I shouldn't wait up for him because he's likely to come home late. Not that I plan to wait for him but hey, whatever helps him breathe better. By the time he returns home, I am already asleep or sometimes faking sleep. It was only on Wednesday when he left for work while I was awake, not that he was aware of it.

I do prepare food for him that he heats up when he's back home from work. After that he takes a shower before getting in bed. He doesn't go to sleep without telling me goodnight that I silently take in.

So yeah, other than the notes he leaves me, we haven't communicated yet. Communication as in him and I having a long chat on how we both ended up in an arranged marriage. Something I'm not really looking forward to.

I know I shouldn't feel angry at Cole but I am. Yes we ended our relationship-, No. He ended our relationship which left us no strings attached. The fact that he was blindly looking for someone to marry yet he stupidly ended our relationship pisses me off. What if it wasn't me his dad considered? The mere thought of someone else in my place right now makes me angrier.


"What?" I snap, still out of it with all the angry thoughts.

"You went silent and I was calling you but you didn't answer. Sorry for shouting in your ear."

I sigh, taking a seat by the kitchen counter. "No, I'm sorry for snapping at you. Things are j-" I pause when I hear the front door opening and closing since the house was eerily silent apart from my voice when I spoke.

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