Nineteen: He's......We're Dying

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Cole's POV

"I'm sorry doc, you have to stay out here and let us do our job."

"No." I shake my head and try to push through but my attempts are resisted. "He needs me in there, I can help him too."

"There's nothing you can do to help him in this state you are in. Please stay out here and calm down. You can trust doctor Ralph."

This isn't about trusting Ralph. I know he is a great doctor but that's Aaron in there. I'm worried about him and I want to be with him.

"Son, listen to the nurse please. You need to calm down." Dad pleads with me and I turn to him. He's here with mum and I didn't even hear them coming.

"Dad," I sob and he embraces me.

"Shush, I know." He murmurs and I hold him tighter.

There was too much blood and I'm not sure if he was even breathing. I was too freaked out to listen to his heartbeat. I'm so worried and so angry. I wish to beat someone, anyone, who's responsible for making Aaron that way. At least then, I'd have something to pound my fists on but not now. What is wrong with Aaron?

Somehow, my dad sits me down in one of the chairs, in the waiting room. Five hours has passed and we still haven't heard anything about how Aaron is doing. I've calmed down as much as I can which isn't that much. Ace and Mika are here with their mates, Scott and Daisy, who are sitting with my mother opposite us while the guys and my dad are sitting with me. We are all silent, everyone lost in their own thoughts. I know they all Aaron well because they understand how important he is to me. I love Aaron so much and it broke me to end things between us last time. I believed it was fate that brought us back together and I won't let a mere human disease take him away from me.

Doctor Ralph walks in the waiting room and I jump up to meet him. I ask so many questions and he gives me a weary smile.

"He's stable now. For more details, please let's talk in private."

I leave my friends and follow Ralph along with my parents. I don't want to be alone while taking in whatever details are to come. We enter a room and I see Aaron lying there looking so pale.

"He lost a lot of blood so we are giving him some blood." Ralph says, explaining as to why he's connected to the drips. "I have to ask if you knew that the patient has been sick for some time."

"No-" I start to say but my dad interrupts me.

"Yes, we knew." Dad replies and I look at him. "Aaron told me he was sick and I brushed it off. Once you are mated, his sickness is bound to be gone. So I didn't think it was much of a big deal."

"I'm sorry, Alpha, but this sickness is not that simple. In fact, it can't go away when they bond. The only thing to happen when they bond is that he will be killed instantly." Ralph speaks up.

"Impossible!" Mother exclaims and dad agrees with her.

"The mating bite is rumoured to give humans special effects. One of which is the ability to heal faster than a normal human. Even their life span and growth changes, giving them some of the supernatural traits to match their mate. It is even rumoured that some humans get gifts after mating with a were. So I believe that whatever is wrong with Aaron, can and will be healed." Dad explains and I take it all in. I'm still new to some knowledge of our people. This information, thankfully, gives me hope that all will be well.

"I believe that to be true, Alpha, but Aaron has a situation. Come see this." Ralph presses a remote and a screen lights up. On it is what I think is Aaron's back. It has some marks in black ink. I have no idea what it is but I'm filled with dread when both my parents gasps.

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