Eight: Hybrid In A Pack

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I woke up a while ago but remained lying in bed and I heard my parents outside my room when they were leaving, earlier this morning. By then, the sun had not yet risen but now it has been up since a while ago which means they have been gone for quite some time now.

I didn't want to wake up for some reasons. The main one being having to meet a bunch of strangers if I left my room. Deep down, I know these people are not a threat to me but I can't help it. I hate being a stranger and have everyone's attention on me.

A sudden knock on my bedroom door, makes me jump a little. I didn't hear footsteps of whoever is out there which made me to slightly freak out. I'm getting used to my hearing abilities that not hearing anything seems not normal to me. The knocks get a bit louder and I realize I haven't answered yet.

"Come in!" I shout after putting on my t-shirt.

A young man, preferably five or six years younger than me, walks in. He goes straight for the curtains, push them apart then open the windows. He smiles while looking around the now bright room. He then looks at me, still lying on the bed and probably confusion plastered on my face.

"Hello, Nicklaus. My name is Ralph. The alpha said I should keep you company."

I remember hearing the word alpha yesterday and my mum was referring to my dad. I guess he's the one who told Ralph to keep me company.

"Nice to meet you, Ralph." I murmur.

No other words are exchanged between us and we end up staring at each other. I don't look away and neither does he and it reaches the point were it becomes awkward. He looks away first, clearing his throat and gazing out the open window.

"Nicklaus, it's time for breakfast." Ralph says while still looking out the window.

"Call me Cole and I'll just wash up quick then we will go for breakfast." I get off the bed and head for the bathroom. I then remember about our staring contest and him looking embarrassed after. So I decide to add, "or you can go ahead and I'll meet you there?"

He then looks at me and shake his head. "It's okay, I'll wait."

I nod at him and enter the bathroom. I quickly wash up, so that I don't keep him waiting for long. I put on some sweatpants and announce to Ralph that I'm ready to go for breakfast.

"Your phone had​ been ringing and it fell on the carpet. While picking it up, I accidentally answered the call. I told them you were bathing and to call later." Ralph approaches me with said phone and I take it from him.

I find it was Aaron calling and I sigh. I lock my phone and put it in my pocket, deciding to ignore the call, but then I feel Nick's presence. He doesn't push to get control but he is just there in my mind. I wait for him to say something but nothing comes out of him and I wonder why. I haven't heard Nick or Klaus talk again since the last time I left my home.

"Can you give me a sec?" I ask Ralph while taking my phone out of my pocket. "I need to make a phone call."

"I'll wait outside then."

Ralph walks out my room and I dial Aaron's number. The phone rings until it stops without an answer. I dial again and get the same outcome but I don't decide to stop, instead I do it again and again. When he finally answers, I breathe out in relief even though I don't understand why I got so worked up on him not answering my calls.

"Hello." A completely different voice to that of Aaron sounds on other end of the phone.

"Where's Aaron?" I ask, dismissing his greetings.

"Sweet-pie, there's a rude man on the phone asking for you." I hear the one who answered Aaron's phone call out. I grit my teeth when I hear him address Aaron with the nickname. Somehow, hearing him say it agitates me greatly and I feel like punching whoever it is.

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