Four: Loneliness

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(Pic above is Cole ^^)

I pack the tools I was using and take them to the workshop storeroom. I sign in the registry book to show I returned the tools I got from the store and I wave at Mr Henry, who is the store keeper, before leaving the workshop. I run through the hallway, making my way out of the building. I was supposed to meet Jessie some minutes ago and the way my phone has been ringing, I assume he's pissed I made him wait. I hold my bag tightly to avoid dropping it as I push my way through the crowd of students leaving the campus. I saw Jessie pacing by his car with his phone on his ear and I take out my phone, answering his call.


"What's wrong with you? I swear if you don't get your butt here in a minute, I'll drive off." Jessie seethe loudly and I don't even have the phone by my ear to hear him.

"How about in a second? Will you forgive my lateness? I made it in less than a minute." I say and he looks my way.

"You....." Its all he says before shaking his head and getting in the car. I follow his lead and he drives off.

Today is Tuesday and we have the rest of the week off and we decided to spend the holiday together. I only wanted to finish my work in the workshop before leaving today but unfortunately, it took a lot of time than I expected. We haven't planned on what we will be doing the rest of the week but that will be taken care of today and that's why we arranged to meet in the parking lot so that he drive us to his home to plan our holiday. I look at him and I see he still looks upset which makes me feel guilty.

"I'm sorry I made you wait for me." I apologize and he looks at me before looking back to the road with a sigh.

"It's okay." He gives me a small smile and I take that as a sign that he will possibly get over it soon.

I choose a song one of his favorite song and play it which makes him light up. The rest of the journey to his home is spent with us singing loudly to the music. By the time we reach our destination, Jessie is back to his usual self and I'm enjoying my day. I take out the bag I packed my clothes in, from the back seat before following Jessie inside. I had the bag with me when he came to pick me up this morning and left it in his car when we both went to our classes. I'll live with Jessie throughout the holiday, so I packed some of my things from home.

We get snacks from the kitchen before going to the game room after dropping my bag in my assigned room of all times that I spend the night. We start playing video games and I notice how off Jessie acts. He seems to be out of it and I don't know what is wrong.

"Let's discuss our plans." I suggest after the game we were playing ends. I put down my controller and face my friend with a grin. Maybe talking about the plans will lift his spirit a bit. "What do you suggest we do?"

"I'm so sorry, Arrow." Jessie mumbles and I look confused.

"Why are you sorry?" I wonder.

"Kai wants to spend the holidays together."

I nod, suddenly being speechless. I mean, I thought it will just be us too but I guess it's okay to have Kai join us. Who am I kidding? It's not okay. The thing is, when kai is around, I feel very unwanted and it just makes me want to leave.

"It's okay, he can join us. I don't mind." I assure him but he shakes his head making me frown.

"He wants to take me away, he already made the arrangements so it was hard for me to say no. We will be travelling to another country on his family's private jet and I'm sorry you can't join us."

I close my eyes as my mind digest his words. He's abandoning me for his boyfriend just because he made arrangements. We've planned this for days, to spend the holidays together and he wants to bail on me in the last minute. So great of him. I stand up from the carpeted floor and he stands too.

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