Masky x Hoodie - Late night browsing and sickly feelings (Part 1)

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( Hoodie POV )

I brought my hands up to my unmasked face and groaned as the morning sun shone through my bedroom window.  I looked up and rubbed my temples, damn it I had such a huge headache.  I looked around my room a little and saw a beer can or four.  Must of been some party last night. I then noticed another light which wasn't the sun, it was my computer screen.  I had fallen asleep again whilst browsing YouTube and Wattpad and the occasional Tumbler page.  Just another weekday night I suppose but for some reason I feel like utter shit today.  I logged off of YouTube and Wattpad ( after checking notifications of course ) and then turned off the computer it's self.  My head slamming in to my key board.  It felt so heavy.  Probably from all the alcohol last night.

Stumbling slightly as if I were still partly drunk I got out of my chair and closed the curtains so that the sun wouldn't be a bother anymore.  I flopped onto my bed, face into my pillow and just laid there.  I was so tired and all I wanted to do was sleep. There were no missions today I believe so that meant I could sleep all day. I was just about to drift off and try to sleep off this headache when there was an annoying banging at on my bedroom door.  This made my head feel as though it was being attacked by multiples of bricks all at once every second.  I just laid there, hoping that if I ignored it long enough that the one who was making that noise would just go away.  You think so right? Nope! They just continued and it got extremely annoying and at that moment I knew EXACTLY who it was.

"Yes Toby?" I grunted a semi muffled repose to the knocking, my face still in my pillow.  Like hell was I getting up for him. Masky was the one he always annoyed and I was always nice to him but today just wasn't his luck as I didn't feel well.
My door swung open and there stood a boy who looked roughly 18 to 19 years old, orange goggles covering his eyes and a black and grey mouth guard covering his mouth which sort of made his voice sound like a radio transmission rather than a normal voice when he spoke.
"Briiiaaaannnnn!!!! G-get your butt down s-stairs!! Clockwork and Sally m-made breakfast.  Plus, we have a m-mission today so you gotta e-eat!!" I rolled over onto my back and tried looking at Toby but my eyes were just so heavy that I couldn't even open them and I couldn't find my mask to cover my face. I just nodded.  "Alright, I will be down in a minuet.  Just make sure they don't give my food to Smile and Grinny again."

"Will d-do but you b-better hurry up.  Also, p-put some pants o-on...."  At that moment I shot up and looked down and saw that I was just in my boxers and a black tank top.  "Fuck!" I quickly pulled on some pants and threw on my orange hoodie and ran as fast as I could downstairs.  My head pounding with every movement I made. There was no time to shower now so I will shower later. (Also there was a good chance that Jeff would be in the bathroom anyway washing his god damn fucking hair once again!! I swear he is the reason we never have any god damn hot water around the mansion half of the time.  Maybe one day I will help him out by cutting off all of that hair of his. )

I got to the top of the stairs and just stood there trying to keep my balance, then it hit me.  I felt sick and it was terrible.  As fast as I could I quickly ran over to the shared bathroom of the mansion.  I tried turning the door handle but it was locked, I started banging on the door "come on, let me in!! I'm gonna barf!!"  Then suddenly there was a clicking sound and then the door opened a little.  Without thinking or looking I quickly ran into the bathroom but I didn't end up making it to the toilet or sink in time and ended up vomiting in the middle of the small area.  Except, it didn't go onto the floor but on a person.  A very pale person.  A person in which I knew was going to be very pissed off when I look up.  Jeff.  Uh ohhh.

Before I could find out what was going to happen next I quickly apologised and grabbed the closest towel wiping my mouth of any vomit and bolted out of the bathroom and downstairs.

I made my way down stairs and into the kitchen where a few of the other pastas were eating breakfast.  Jane and Clockwork had their knives drawn and were fighting over the toaster pop tarts, Smile dog and Grinny were devouring an old animal corps ( God knows how and where Slenderman gets them from seeing as though there aren't any animals for miles....oh well ) and Ben and Eyeless Jack were at the kitchen table playing on Ben's Nintendo's and squabbling because by the sounds of it Jack had let some of the blood from his morning kidney's drip onto Ben's spare Nintendo and it was fritzing out.  He didn't sound happy.

I was way too tired and felt way too sick to deal with any of this commotion this morning so I just grabbed two waffles because I'm sure Toby wouldn't mind and headed outside and sat on the front porch of the mansion.

I just sat there looking at the waffles that sat on the plate in front of me on the ground.  I usually have a pretty good appetite especially before a mission.  What gives??!!

I then heard the front door open then close behind me and felt the presence of another person.  A presence I was actually quite fond of and have been for a very long time now.  The presence of my best friend, my partner and.....the one I l-love.

"Hey Brian, is that seat taken?"  Tim asked as he gestured towards the space on the step beside me and chuckled a little.

All I did was nod, using my hand to gesture to the spot beside me as I hugged my legs to my chest and still aching stomach. I can't let Tim know that I am sick.  He will definitely worry for sure.  I can't have that.

I am always the quiet one out of the three of us Proxy's so Masky knew a lot of my hand and body gestures by now, we have known each other long enough, even before we came to the mansion. Pretty much inseparable even up until now. But Masky always knew when something was wrong with me, I just hope I can keep this hidden well enough.

Tim moved and sat beside me on the step, a piece of cheesecake on a plate in his hands. No sign of noticing, I think I'm in the clear.

Once he sat down he moved his white mask to the side and places a bit of cheesecake into his mouth.  His beautifully sculpted mouth closed and as he chewed his beautiful, luxurious side burns moved slightly and they were just so memorizing.  I wanted to touch them. Just looking at Masky was enough to make my face go a slight pinkish colour, thank god I am wearing my mask.

"Brian, c'mon you need to eat. You, Toby and I have a big mission today and it is gonna start off with a very long walk so you are going to need the energy."
I could feel Tim look at me whilst he said that. I couldn't bare to look at him back in case there was concern in his eyes which I'm pretty sure there was but of all people I did not want to see Masky concerned. It just didn't fit well with his beautiful features nor did it fit right with me seeing him worry over me. So, I gave in. Picking up a waffle I lifted up my mask so only my mouth was showing and took a bite. I chewed a few times and tried to swallow and keep it down for as long as I could. I smiled at Tim to indicate that I ate it.

He was just about to say something back but then the front door swung open in a rush and a deep, slightly demonic voice came from the mansion. "Masky, Hoodie and Toby. My office immediately."
Slendy was calling for us.

With a grunt Tim ( Masky ) got off from the step and went inside. "Come on Hoodie"
I nodded and gave him a thumbs up indicating I will be there soon.
As soon as I heard Masky close the door I quickly rushed over to the closest bush and vomited for the second time this morning. But this time something was different. There were little specks of red in the little pool of vile. Oh no.....

Wiping my mouth on the back of my hoodie sleeve I went straight up to Slenderman's office as fast as I could and as fast as my sickly body could carry me.

What is wrong with me?

So, this is just to start off the stories :)

Hoodie is sick!! :'(

I decided to start off with Masky x Hoodie because they are just absolutely adorable.  Part 2 will be Masky's POV and then go into third person for the final part.  I hope you guys liked the first part and I will be uploading the next part up soon.

Also, expect more of Toby :3

His tic is just freaking adorable!!!!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2016 ⏰

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