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"When did being a good father ever need to meet high standards that your child doesn't even know off or even want from you?"

-Thalia Pablo

A/N: Hi and much love to those who read this! :') Quotes are all owned and copyrighted by me unless said or stated otherwise. And all the photographs are credited to their rightful owners so in other words none of them are mine. If you know who took them then message me their names please! Also feel free to review, vote, comment, share, or give me advice to improve this story. Also by writing this story I am not saying single mothers have it easy because no party does. I know a couple of single mothers and felt that single fathers need some love after watching/reading a lot of amount of stories when single father try just as hard like anyone else to raise their child. Now enough with my Author's Note, enjoy and I hope you all love my story! ^.^






"Are you sure you can't stay the night Ash? Zack and I were going to wait until Jerry's asleep too throw him into the neighbor's swimming pool! C'mon, we need you to record the whole thing while Zack and I do the heavy lifting!"

"As fun as that sounds Mason I can't. I promised my mom I be home before midnight so she can go work while I take care of Aiden when she's gone."

"Ash you know I hate it when you use the father card on me." Mason sighed scratching his neck."Fine, go and be a dad. I'll just send you the video of it later so make sure to watch it!"

"I know, that's why I use it!" I grinned and dodged Mason's punch that was aimed at my shoulder "And thanks man, I'll watch it as long as Zack doesn't drown!" I holler as he started to close his front door the further I walked away.

"No promises!"

Chuckling at their mischief, I tread down the street to where my coffee grey 2012 Civic was parked. Zipping my green jacket up higher, I take out my car keys from my jeans pocket to unlock my car. The cold air around me caused me to tremble and wish the freezing November air would disappear and spring would take its place. Not wanting to stay out in this chilly weather any longer, I immediately get inside. Slamming the doors shut, I start the engine turning on the heater right after. Living in Seattle in the middle of November is fun with the fall colors but the temperatures make living here the worst.

With my seat belt secured, I rub my hands against each other to get some warmth out of it but it was pointless.

"Damn this cold weather" I whispered searching for anything too keep my hands warm. Opening the glove compartment instead, I searched for my pair of gloves. Not caring whether I made a mess, I tossed everything out until a small photo caught my eye. Picking up the photograph, it revealed a mirror image of myself at five years old. Sidetracked, I smiled sweetly stroking the boy's face on the picture. I knew it couldn't have been me from the boy's smile and myself holding onto him. Placing the photograph back, I closed the glove compartment forgetting about the gloves entirely. With a final glance at Mason's house, I step on the gas pedal and drive as quickly as possible back home.

Home wasn't relatively huge being I lived in an apartment but it was cozy. Beating my record, I reached home with twenty minutes to spare. Parking in front of my apartment building, I saw my mom rushing out towards me with a matching mint green uniform and long white coat.

Getting out, I tossed her the car keys and watched as she catches it. Not wasting any time, my mom steps aside and speeds up toward the car.


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