Chapter 8: Down and Dirty

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I'm not lying, I want to quit school.

Once Scarlet sat down in her seat, Ms. Tang started class. While she wrote details about the book we're reading, whispers seemed to have been the only thing anyone was paying attention to. Many still are amazed that the 'new girl' actually humiliated (well not really, but it feels that way) Martha who not only holds this school in her hands, she also gets what she wants.

And I'm saying this as strongly as I can without being bias. No one knows Martha like I do, and I hope it stays that way. She may be cruel, but like I said before. I won't let Scarlet hurt anyone, even if some deserve it.

Luckily, once the bell rang things mellowed out. While I was already packed up, the twins and Mason waved goodbye while muttering about seeing Scarlet and I in fourth period. 

Nodding back, Scarlet cleared her throat with impatience. Turning to look at her, her gaze held eagerness to get this day over with. Alongside her, I motioned for her to follow me out the classroom. Thanking all that is holy that our class was half empty, we easily walked out without any problems. Making a quick right turn, aiming straight toward the end of the hallway I see our physics class.

This time with no trouble, class went so smoothly that I almost didn't hear the bell ring until I felt Scarlet dragging me by the collar of my shirt.

"Okay, okay, you can let go now!" I cried out, halfway into the halls. Hearing snickering behind us, I rolled my eyes and pushed her hands off me knowing my friends were behind us.

"Whatever, hurry up. It's almost lunch time, and I'm getting hungry." She whispered into my ear, emphasizing on the word "hungry".

Ignoring her tauntings, I turn to my friends who unconsciously ease my fears away.

"Hey, guys what's up?" Zack asked, putting an arm around me.

"The usual, I can't wait to get this class over with. I wanna go home and see Aiden." I responded as he pulled me towards class with everyone else following.

"It's been a while that we last saw him," Jerry stated as Mason nodded.

"It has, will stop by on Friday so we can all hang out!" Jerry adds excitedly. Sighing, I agree knowing Aiden would like all of us to spend time together.

Heading inside the classroom, the bell rang and our physics teacher finally walks in. As Ms. Kelly quickly does roll call and ignores the fact that Scarlet is new, continues on. Finishing, she then starts to set up the projector when a small neatly folded note lays in front of me. Looking around our long four seated table, and (not surprising) Scarlet sitting right next to me, I raise an eyebrow at her. 

Keeping her gaze straight ahead, I open the note. Reading over the neat handwriting, I quickly write down my answer and fold it back. Making sure Ms. Kelly wasn't looking, I ease the note back to Scarlet by placing it in front of her. Snatching it back, she doesn't read it. Instead, she places it in her pocket without taking her eyes off the screen in front of us.

Not wanting to fret over it, I return my attention back to the screen. Sitting in front of the class had its perks, but Scarlet's note only made me realize what I forgot this morning. We're not here to play 'new kid', nor do I have the luxury to remain relaxed. Remembering how I found her and how terrified I was with her threat on me and my family, I can't afford to waste time. She wants to go home and I want my peaceful life back, so the sooner she leaves we both will get what we want.

Ignoring the rest of the video, I tried to come up with more ways on how I can get Scarlet at least a clue of what she forgot. And as the last thirty minutes go by, her written question comes back to mind.

Q: In one week, I need to return what I have forgotten. This may be fun for you, but my patience is wearing thin human. I despise the fact that those who made me lose my memory are laughing their asses off right now.

A: I know, I don't need to be reminded of my families deaths are in the palm of your hand. One week, I'll have at least one clue to get you closer to your goal.

Blinking rapidly as Ms. Kelly turns the lights back on, I catch Scarlet reading the note. Regaining my sight, she then tears the note into tiny pieces trying to rid its existence. Hearing the bell ring and Ms. Kelly reminding us of our homework, I wave to Scarlet that it's time to go.Standing up with me, we both walk out. The twins and Mason already outside see us, and continue a step ahead of us. Walking a bit behind them all, I keep pace with Scarlet as walks with her head facing down. Taking a glimpse into her green eyes, swirls of emotions were swimming in them. Knowing she's very well upset over not remembering what happened to her, I remained silent hoping it ease her tensed shoulders. 

Waiting for her to look up, I notice we're getting near the cafeteria that's on the first floor. Slowly panicking at the fact that an upset vampire in a room filled with rowdy people might not be a good idea. Spotting the double white doors, I whisper to Scarlet. If I can't ease her anger at what she doesn't know, might as well direct it to myself. 

"Hey, I know you don't like how things turned out but can you not think about it anymore? We're about to walk into the cafeteria where one mistake can destroy what we have built up so far-even if it isn't much. So please, push the hunt on your enemies away for now so I know my school will be safe?"

Not removing my eyes away from her face, she raises her head up and looks directly at me with a very much annoyed expression. Getting sucked into her bright green eyes, I watch as they dim down once were about five feet away from the entrance of the cafeteria. Listening to her breathe in, I can see her smirk forming as she whispers back. 

"I hope you get that ridiculous idea out of your head. As if I can easily get rid of my blood thirst for revenge, but I'm glad you're seeing things my way and fear what I can do because if you ever forget, I will personally have to show you why you humans fear us. And mark my words, you won't like the outcome. Now hurry up, I'm hungry.

Grimacing at her huge smirk, she pulls her hair back to purposely hit me in the face. Rubbing my eyes, Zack calls out to us.

"C'mon you guys, their serving chicken nuggets and fries today!" 

"Coming!" Scarlet yells back and walks ahead of me. Trying to erase another of Scarlet's threats, I hurry as well. Ignoring all the stares at me(as usual) I get in line with everyone else, hoping that I at least get some chicken nuggets and fries before they run out. If lunch sucks, I don't know how I will survive the rest of the day.


Short? Or just barely enough?

And to those reading, get ready because things are going to start to get interesting ;)


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2017 ⏰

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