Chapter 6: Introductions

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Hope everyone had a good break but back to the grind!


Chapter 6

It didn't take long for Scarlet to have my friends wrapped around her cold finger. When they rushed passed the school's main entrance, I barely managed to catch up with them as they made a bee line for the main office. I was only a couple of steps back when a crowd was forming; Even at such a huge school, news here spreads like wild fire.

Distracted by the various looks, I almost missed Scarlet's sarcasm.

"Thank you for showing me the way to the main office. Unlike someone, you guys are very nice." Scarlet said with a smile.

"It's no problem! Some people are just rude these days." Zack sighed, and patted her shoulder as if he's sorry that she got stuck with me.

More like it should be the other way around!

"For the last time, I never said I wasn't going to show her around."

"Sure man." Jerry chuckled.

"Whatever, c'mon before were all late." Pushing passed them, I walked inside the main office. One by one, they stepped inside and I didn't miss Scarlet's demeanor change. Noticing her posture become more rigid and her facial expression get serious, I grew a little nervous. Scarlet may let my friends live, but that doesn't mean the rest of the school will be.

Pushing away my nerves, I almost forgot why we were here until I saw Mrs. Garcia, the head of the main office greet us from her desk. Noticing me, she quickly stood and came forward.

"Hello Sebastian, what brings you here today? You didn't get in trouble, right?" she asked, with a warm smile.

"No miss, you know I don't misbehave like Zack."


"You do get a lot of detentions." Jerry absentmindedly agreed rubbing his invisible beard. Chuckling at Zack's annoyance, I turned my attention back to the task at hand; Scarlet's silence is basically a loud shout.

"Mrs. Garcia, we have a new student enrolling today and she needs her schedule." I said, motioning toward Scarlet.

"That's right! Are you the new student young lady?" Mrs. Garcia asked Scarlet, who I didn't realize was standing right beside me.

"Yes, I'm Scarlet Haven." She responded, leaving no room for meaningless pleasantries.

With a simple nod, Mrs. Garcia quickly typed away on her computer. Watching as she looked for Scarlet's classes, I almost forgot about the stares from five minutes ago, if it weren't for the small crowd forming outside the office doors. Knowing they were whispering about us, it didn't bother me. Used to the judgmental stares, I easily ignored them. Instead I focused on the twins bickering about copying each other's homework. Getting lost in the twin's fight, Mason had to nudge me back to reality. Glancing at Scarlet, knowing Mrs. Garcia wasn't going to let her leave without giving her instructions on how to find her classes, I turned to him.

"So, this is her? The one who has been staying at your house and helping you watch Aiden?" he quickly asked, getting straight to the point.

Sighing, I remembered my outburst of how I couldn't trust Scarlet with Aiden. I still don't, but pushing that aside I quickly summed up my answer.

"Yes, and before you say anything, I did get overprotective and out of hand and I know I shouldn't have made so many assumptions, but can you blame me? Aiden doesn't really like getting close to others besides me, my mom and you guys."

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